{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1401 - 1500 of 1539)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1477 closed No feedback on import errors
#1478 closed Failure to parse "used" field
#1479 closed Import of HSPEN data with two (conflicting) data blocks
#1480 closed Ecospace results are not saved
#1481 closed Fixed Ecotracer biomass CSV error
#1482 closed Ecotracer computations update
#1483 closed Double-clicking map layer control routes to wrong edit page
#1484 closed Catch time series scaled in Sum of Squares calculation
#1485 closed Layer import / export does not work for vector layers
#1487 closed Selection no longer shown in status bar
#1488 closed Cannot export MPAs to XY data
#1489 closed Export XY interface shows non-functional migration layers
#1490 closed Export XY data does not show ports
#1491 closed Graph "Save to CSV" does not produce response function data
#1492 closed Stepwise fitting does not save vulnerabilities
#1495 closed Add Shannon diversity index
#1496 closed Cannot save Mixed Trophic Impact Data to CSV file
#1497 closed Path and Cycles stops EwE from working
#1498 closed Shape import shows 2 strange warning s
#1499 closed Ecosim and Ecospace currency unit warning
#1500 closed Windows scaling issues
#1501 closed Cannot change name of newly defined mediation functions
#1502 closed Problems using forced catches and forced fishing mortality for the same group
#1503 closed Windows DPI scaling
#1504 closed Visually distinguish time series types
#1506 closed Anchovy Bay not installed w sample models
#1507 closed Show/hide Ecosim plots leaves new screen empty
#1508 closed Toggling graph legends may not show all items
#1509 closed Ecosim env drivers shifted
#1510 closed Label error in Lindeman Spline
#1511 closed Label error in Lindeman Spline
#1512 closed Cannot edit cells after resizing Ecospace basemap
#1513 closed Extending Ecosim run time with biomass forcing crashes EwE.
#1514 closed Start page does not show content properly
#1515 closed Flow diagram does not respond to font changes
#1516 closed Start panel not showing correctly
#1517 closed Ecospace Latitudes out of bounds
#1518 closed Cannot delete duplicate stanza configuration
#1519 closed MPAs not applied correctly
#1524 closed Lindeman spine does not immediately respond to font changes
#1525 closed Store all settings per diagram
#1526 closed Show fleets and groups
#1527 closed Monte Carlo does not report successful output saving
#1528 closed Cannot import EwE5 models
#1530 closed EwE6 needs out-of-the-box support for generating .eiixml files
#1531 closed Need a way to order habitats
#1532 closed Need a way to sketch only on one habitat layer
#1534 closed Import pedigree from another model
#1535 closed Need clear control over Ecospace capacity calculations
#1536 closed MultiSim warnings
#1537 closed MPA maps are Boolean now
#1538 closed Ecospace save map to image produces awful legends
#1539 closed "Save file as" dialogues should not show "all supported file types"
#1540 closed Ecospace Fleet order does not change
#1541 closed Fit to Time Series layout problems
#1543 closed Protect shapes defined through a primitive
#1544 closed Effor ShapeGrid does not handle the 'all fleets' shape correctly
#1545 closed Add units to environmental driver layers
#1546 closed Add units to legend images
#1547 closed Forcing function application bug
#1548 closed Ecospace maps does not load well when there are no fleets
#1549 closed Plug-in update no longer works
#1552 closed External datasets slow to load
#1553 closed Ecospace does not remember the last default config file
#1554 closed Advection arrows do not draw sometimes
#1556 closed Seasonal changes not applied long-term
#1557 closed Seasonal pattern not extended correctly when extending Ecosim run length
#1558 closed External data indexing stops
#1559 closed Numeric up/down controls not blocked entirey from editing
#1560 closed Cannot delete external data connection that is applied
#1561 closed Sometimes plug-ins cannot be disabled
#1562 closed Need to know when input capacity is set
#1563 closed Value hain sub-flows do not show
#1564 closed Value chain defaults should show icons
#1565 closed Value chain UI clean-up
#1566 closed Synchronize plot items by predation too
#1568 closed Input capacity maps do not show actual max value
#1569 closed Computed capacity should be shown in Run Ecospace
#1570 closed Run Ecospace keeps switching to single item view
#1571 closed Add 'Fish Everywhere' option to habitat fishery in new EwE6.6 layout
#1572 closed Loading Ecospace does not run Ecosim, which can cause problems
#1573 closed Removing excluded cells fails to free up depth cells
#1574 closed Edit stanza errors when no forcing functions defined
#1575 closed Orphaned taxa
#1577 closed Monte Carlo does not perturb BA for groups with an esitimated B
#1578 closed Settings changes do not immediately propagate
#1579 closed MCMC not recalculating TL
#1580 closed Allow time series import to use Poolcode 2 as alternative to Poolcode
#1581 closed Time series import does not accept empty cells for pool code 2
#1582 closed Cannot enter pedigree values outsude pre-defined classifications
#1583 closed Flows do not scale proportionally for catches
#1586 closed Include discards time series into calculations
#1587 closed Pedigree for catches issues
#1588 closed Model from Sim gets the time steps wrong
#1591 closed Cannot remove hatchery stocking function
#1595 closed Allow layer data drag and drop
#1596 closed Allow copying of layer styles
#1597 closed Fn response response range may not import correctly
#1598 closed Group capacity type UI could use a 'reset inputs' button
#1600 closed MSY strange behaviour
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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