Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 2013-04-08 15:49:30

Using SVN - step by step

For instance, if you use TortoiseSVN you can get the sources via the following steps:

  1. Create a folder on your machine in a location where you have write access, such as in your documents folder or on your desktop.
  2. Right-click this new folder, and select SVN Checkout...

Tortoise SVN will now show a form where you specify which sources you'd like to get.

  1. Enter the SVN repository URL to the Ecopath6 sources, which is
  2. Click OK

Tortoise SVN will now prompt you for your username and password if you have not entered this before.

  1. When prompted, enter the username and password that we gave you.

TortoiseSVN will now start downloading the source code.