Ticket #1502 (closed assessed: fixed)

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

Problems using forced catches and forced fishing mortality for the same group

Reported by: natalias Owned by: joeb
Priority: high Milestone: Ecopath 6: Release 6.5
Component: Ecosim Version: 6.5 beta
Severity: major Keywords:


I still have the same issue with forced catches (type-6). They are not picked up when I have a mix of catches and forced catches in the time series (it was working OK in 6.4), they are just plotted as (blue) points but they are not considered to predict catches, hence the model doesn’t calculate the fishing mortality. It just assumed that there isn’t fishing so the predicted biomass is high.

Is this a bug?

Change History

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by jeroens

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Summary changed from Cannot use forced catches and reference catches for the same group to Problems using forced catches and forced fishing mortality for the same group

The issue actually was slightly different. When a model has both catch forcing and F forcing loaded the catch forcing is supposed to take precedence, as it did in 6.4. Unfortunately a recent bug fix to 6.5 unintentionally caused the F forcing to take precedence. This was what is causing the behaviour that [the user] was seeing. Fixed in EwE 6.5

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