Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 2018-03-05 13:14:01

Technical FAQ

Updated 05 March 2018.

Software requirements

To obtain the source code of EwE 5 and 6, you will need the following:

  • A Subversion client such as TortoiseSVN to get a copy of the source code from the EwE Subversion repository,
  • Log-in access to SVN, which we will provide to you upon request.
  • The URL to our Subversion repository is

>> Show SVN step-by-step instructions

To compile and run the source code of Ecopath version 6, you require:

>> Show Visual Studio step-by-step instructions

To compile and run the source code of Ecopath version 5, you require:

Code documentation

Coding issues

We've ran into a series of limitations and oddities that we want to prevent from happening. Here are a few links that convey some of our experiences: