Ticket #1588 (closed not assessed: fixed)

Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

Model from Sim gets the time steps wrong

Reported by: davec Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone: Ecopath 6: Release 6.6
Component: Ecopath from Ecosim plug-in Version: 6.6 beta
Severity: major Keywords:


Attempting to generate Ecopath model from Ecosim for purposes of doing ecological network analysis at ecosim time slices. When specifying the “At time step” option, I noticed that the output model was not always referencing appropriate model timestep. Everything worked as expected for “At time step” = 1-6 (Jan-Jun), but no model was genearted when “At time step” = 7, and when “At time step” is 8-12 then it writes an Ecopath model at the model timestep minus 10. See status output below. In that example, the model begins in Jan 2009 and I am trying to write an Ecopath model for each month in 2010. So January 2010 would be time step 13, Feb2010=14, Mar2010=15, and so on. You can see that only 11 models were generated, because the July model “At time step=7” would not write, and after June (here timestep=18) it writes models for 10 timesteps previous. So it appears either the status output is incorrect or the “At time step” selection is not indexing properly.


image001.jpg (47.3 KB) - added by jeroens 6 years ago.

Change History

Changed 6 years ago by jeroens

comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by jeroens

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Discontinued logic to extract models for an individual time step

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