{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1201 - 1300 of 1539)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#341 closed Ecospace basemaps are blank (black)
#340 closed Network analysis output missing output lines
#339 closed Forcing function form
#338 closed Apply egg production: typing in cell causes crash
#337 closed Seasonal forcing shapes - values form wrong
#336 closed Mediation form: Define biomass percentage form hard to use
#335 closed Adding a mediation shape with no parameters causes crash
#334 closed Ecospace> edit basemap
#333 closed Run Ecospace not giving results
#332 closed Run Ecosim> group color scheme not set to default
#331 closed Policy search color scheme
#330 closed Fishing policy search-> multiple runs shoud have random F's
#329 closed Run Ecosim -< time default set to 101 years
#328 closed Monte Carlo Biomass Plot should suppress the interface to change Ecosim summary time
#327 closed Ecopath multistanza `enter K of VBGF`
#326 closed Ecospace default values a.o.
#325 closed Policy Search> Gen discount rate causes extreme results
#324 closed Policy search>missing structure rel. weight
#323 closed Apply Egg production reset all button
#322 closed Mediation/Forcing Function shapes not available
#321 closed General Remarks missing and (no selection) bug
#320 closed Cannot change visibility state of Ecopath
#319 closed Policy search > end year does not update gear
#318 closed Multistanza naming bug
#317 closed Application crashed when converting 2 models consecutively
#316 closed Ecosim nutrient forcing function can not be cleared
#315 closed Long term egg production thumbnail looks like a box
#314 closed The ecosim biomass graph redraws in response to a resize event even if it is not visible.
#313 closed Time series data not ploting properly
#312 closed Change Group Color dialogue changes wrong index
#311 closed Ecosim Parameter> nutrient loading function crashed ecosim
#310 closed Run Ecosim -> Reset F's
#309 closed Egg Production> save image needs labels
#308 closed Run Ecosim Crash on Click on Forcing when no Target is selected
#307 closed Ecosim SS doesn't compute when running time series
#306 closed Ecospace
#305 closed Ecosim output results> time step not constitent with scenario
#304 closed Ecosim and Ecospace scenario dropdown lists do not update when creating or deleting scenarios
#303 closed Fit to TimeSeries crash when 'coloring'
#302 closed Create Ecospace scenario fails
#301 closed Ecosim > ApplyFF interface crashes under rare circumstances
#300 closed Ecosim
#299 closed Ecopath: Diet composition table
#298 closed Ecopath
#297 closed Default value for market price
#296 closed Multistanza group ordering
#295 closed Edit multi-stanza: stage duration
#294 closed Fit to timeseries: vulnerability blocks
#293 closed Edit multi-stanza: Fixed fecundity
#292 closed Adding fleets to Ecopath
#291 closed Fisheries Landings grid explodes if you select a row
#290 closed Apply Egg production> assigning groups does not save
#289 closed Importing lots of Time Series
#288 closed Ecospace number of year needs to be the same as Ecosim
#287 closed Update issue when clicking tabs (works for tree node)
#286 closed Ecospace Habitat and Fishery set default value = ALL
#285 closed Basemap - ecospace basemap draws on bordering cells
#284 closed Ecosim output>individual plots not working
#283 closed Ecosim results not consistent with version 5
#282 closed Apply Egg production thumbnails not reflecting graphs
#281 closed Add/ Duplicate egg production shape alters existing graphs
#280 closed Changing number of ecosim years fails if time series data is loaded
#279 closed Deleted fleets still in Ecosim 'Fishing rate (relative)' 'Target' dropdown combo box
#278 closed Changing group colours fails to change group colours in Ecosim plot
#277 closed EwE Network Analysis plug-in does not show up in EwE component overview (Help > About ... > More)
#276 closed Forcing function shapes> exponential not working
#275 closed double clicking on a multistanza group in basic input> edit multistanza errors
#274 closed Ecosim scenarios WILL NOT RUN without a fleet
#273 closed Basic input> multistanza drop down not working
#272 closed Cannot create new models
#271 closed Ecospace maps will not draw
#270 closed Ecospace Maps error on Baltic model
#269 closed Ecospace basemap
#268 closed Ecospace forms not changing when new scenario loaded
#267 closed Stock recruitment plot 'S/R plot' will not draw
#266 closed Monte Carlo 'Annual output' should be the default output mode
#265 closed Monte Carlo 'Data from best fitting trial' should be read only
#264 closed Monte Carlo Mean value should be Read Only (not editable)
#263 closed Ecosim 'Scale' = true should fix the scale of the plot.
#262 closed Monte Carlo overlay does not overlay each run/trial
#261 closed Fishing Policy search needs to redim to new number of Years
#260 closed Model fails to save when timeseries Applied
#259 closed Ecosim Group Color graph line are all the same color
#258 closed Logging application events in the Log file seriously affects application performance
#257 closed Fishing Policy Search> output groups not correct
#256 closed Fishing policy search> results not consistent with version 5
#255 closed Fishing policy search> first year for gear type not blocked out
#254 closed Fishing policy search> not all buttons functional
#253 closed App crashes when user change db model
#252 closed The current design would not run the Network Analysis repeatedly
#251 closed Network analysis Mix Trophic Impact (loading Impacts.exe and others) Crash [model specific]
#250 closed Apply Egg Production Crash
#249 closed Mediation Reset/New/Duplicate/Add always setting to 1.0
#248 closed Tabbing in Add time series form does not go in full circle
#247 closed Ecopath output> Value- non-market value not correct
#246 closed Ecopath output>fishery value some values highlighted
#245 closed In the Edit Multi-Stanza form one can delete data in the read-only cell
#244 closed Tabbing in Edit-Multi Stanza form does not go in full circle
#243 closed Time series long term vs seasonal tab not updating properly
#242 closed Add time series does not save values
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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