{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1101 - 1200 of 1539)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#442 closed Add form under time series
#441 closed Ecosim>Ecosim Plots> show all fits: rescaling y axis not working properly
#440 closed Ecospace -> Ecospace Parameters - Default model Value should be EwE6 multistanza
#439 closed Ecosim -> Plots -> Export to CSV - Will mess up if group names have '
#438 closed Importing time series with weighting does not load properly
#437 closed When P/B and Q/B are entered P/Q should be blocked
#436 closed Fit to time series colour scheme from the Sensitivity search not used by Fit to time series grid
#435 closed Fit to time series number of blocks from sensitivity search not the same as set by user
#434 closed Fit to time series crashes when changing number of blocks
#433 closed error when editing multistanza makes database unable to open
#432 closed Save Scenario As... not working properly
#431 closed color scheme for created models is all black--alterations to color scheme
#430 closed detritus groups have EE=-9999.00
#429 closed Network analysis (ecosim) got FIB but no graph of NA indices.
#428 closed Ecopath Basic Param: predation mortality form
#427 closed Ecospace->Run Ecospace: Ecospace will stop running before end of years
#426 closed Ecospace->Run Ecospace: Display Options->Show only groups below: Will only show red values
#425 closed Ecsopace -> Edit MPA: Add/Remove MPA
#424 closed Ecospace -> Dispersal: Default Dispersal rate should be 10km/year
#423 closed Ecospace->Basemap: Edit MPA
#422 closed Assign Habitats -> Ecospace Area. Calculation of Ecospace Area wrong
#421 closed Ecospace number of Timesteps should be default 12 (without decimal space)
#420 closed Edit Ecospace Scenario name & description missing
#419 closed Network Analysis reporting negative respiration when Basic Estimates does NOT
#418 closed Ecopath -> Flow diagram does not accept more than TL 5
#417 closed Diet matrix warnings on created models
#416 closed Opening model to Ecospace with large map takes a looooooooooooooooong time
#415 closed Ecosim -> Plots -> Browse
#414 closed remarks bar does not have scroll option
#413 closed Ecosim> run Ecosim> show/hide groups not displayed properly
#412 closed FF shapes not saving to bitmap
#411 closed Ecosim>FF>Values >cannot select all
#410 closed Import TS: import should overwrite existing dataset
#409 closed Ecosim results Effort E/S values not correct
#408 closed Time Series crash
#407 closed Ecosim small plots x scale values should show time series years
#406 closed Ecospace dying out
#405 closed Policy search: ecosystem structure option not working correctly
#404 closed Policy search objective button not using mandate option properly
#402 closed Policy search: scroll to last result when searching
#401 closed No clear visual feedback that policy search has completed
#400 closed Policy search run does not update Ecosim run plot
#399 closed Policy search GUI tweak: move buttons to more suitable location
#398 closed TS import dataset name not correct
#397 closed Ecosim run does not properly update when loading TS
#396 closed Monte Carlo outputs are wrong
#395 closed Ecosim time not properly updated after loading TS
#394 closed Fishing rate and mortality forms should have (re)set options similar to Run Ecosim form
#393 closed Fishing rate shape not updated correctly
#392 closed Fishing rate not updated after running policy search
#391 closed policy search
#390 closed Cannot remove Egg production
#389 closed Ecosim -> Timeseries -> Bombs if all values are 0
#388 closed Show all fits not showing biomass lines or timeseries
#387 closed Monte Carlos Max limit for run is only 100
#386 closed Mediation -> Change Shape -> Does not update main graph
#385 closed Fit to Timeseries default weight for stanza group should be 1 not 0
#384 closed Import TS still requires TimeSeries Dummy Variable put on the end
#383 closed Run Ecosim -> Change Color -> Time Series Color not changed
#382 closed Default Database properties showing ICLARM
#381 closed Basic input update issue
#380 closed Egg production duplicate shape not working correctly
#379 closed ApplyEggshape form does not update properly
#378 closed Shape type box on mediation form should not be there
#377 closed Ecospace crashes if map is resized smaller
#376 closed edit groups>color scheme not consistent
#375 closed Ecosim.vulnerabilities: Set. There should be an option to Set All in one go
#374 closed EcoTracer input grid crashes when clicking on header
#373 closed Saving data from Ecosim plot
#372 closed Run Ecosim -> Setting Max Y for Biomass graph
#371 closed Remove Ecotracer Check box in Ecosim Scenarios
#370 closed Multistanza orgVBK problem
#369 closed Typo on Edit Groups form
#368 closed making new model without saving last causes crash
#367 closed Ecospace parameters - can't change end time on Summary
#366 closed Basemap - pen size carried over
#365 closed Edit layer - trying to import wrong kind of file causes crash
#364 closed Edit layers dialogue box: layer name not displaying properly
#363 closed Ecospace menu: save as. Can't save to existing name
#362 closed Run Ecosim: name of bottom panel
#361 closed Ecosim plot: Save data - causes crash
#360 closed Run Ecosim: Missing SS
#359 closed Run Ecosim: Autoscale not working
#358 closed Run Ecosim: Reset All
#357 closed Show all fits graphs renders data incorrectly
#356 closed Run Ecosim screen - Set F to zero crashes model
#355 closed Ecosim not clearing memory?
#354 closed Run Ecosim screen - F buttons not working
#353 closed When loading a scenario
#352 closed Ability to Export Timeseries information as a bulk
#351 closed Change in number formatting
#350 closed Fishing rate shape missing from Run Ecosim / Fishing shape viewer
#349 closed Deleted Mediation shape does not disappear from the Mediation form
#348 closed Duplicate a forcing shape flags the Ecosim scenario as changed
#347 closed Duplicate shape: selecting 'cancel' on save prompt crashes application
#346 closed Deleting/Unloading Time series leads to Out of bounds error in Run Ecosim
#345 closed Ecosim Biomass not the same from EwE5 to EwE6
#344 closed Seasonal forcing function imported as longterm pattern
#343 closed Less than half of all forcing functions loaded
#342 closed Ecospace species habitat assignments also assigned to `all`
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