{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (301 - 400 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Status Summary
#1199 closed Result Extractor should be robust against inproper use
#1196 closed Result Extractor annual biomass is monthly
#529 closed Resizing the Basemap throws an error
#188 closed Reset F's in Eocism output not automatically updating
#1065 closed Report global SVN build number in EwE
#546 closed Report a bug without email client installed crashes EwE
#1427 closed Repeat forcing data when extending Ecosim run length
#1329 closed Rename navigator nodes
#605 closed Rename 'Ecosim Plots' to something a bit more obvious
#1573 closed Removing excluded cells fails to free up depth cells
#1151 closed Remove obsolete time series prompt
#660 closed Remove mediation group causes error box
#371 closed Remove Ecotracer Check box in Ecosim Scenarios
#1431 closed Remove 16 bit applications
#972 closed Remove 'annual' prompts
#970 closed Remove 'annual' prompt when exporting Ecosim results
#457 closed Remarks update inconsistently
#198 closed Remarks panel retains its content when closing a model. Editing this content will cause the app to crash
#144 closed Remarks missing in Ecopath Basic input
#644 closed Relative biomass Timeseries not plotting properly
#1011 closed Relative and Absolute biomass time series do not work well together
#747 closed Regions out of MPAs
#1268 closed Regions map editor does not respond to changing # of regions
#1371 closed Region interface needs improving
#799 closed Recent models list is empty on Win 7
#1392 closed Read-only databases do not open
#84 closed RE-Creating a model
#465 closed Punctuation characters in EwE5 model names may cause the EwE6 import process to crash
#802 closed Publications should be sorted by year, author
#1084 closed Publications not sorted by author
#1184 closed Provide visual clues to distinguish reference and driving time series
#1543 closed Protect shapes defined through a primitive
#606 closed Program freezes if you do not save scenario when loading a new one
#1416 closed Producer groups not correctly indicated in Define Groups interface
#1502 closed Problems using forced catches and forced fishing mortality for the same group
#1234 closed Problem in Respiration calculations with detritus export
#954 closed Price Elasticity default shape label
#953 closed Price Elasticity Ecopath baseline value does not show up on sketchpad
#961 closed Price Elasticity Define supply not all group/fleet combo are showing up in selection box
#955 closed Price Elasticity Define supply must contain fleet indexes
#1402 closed Preview limitation in time series import may hide data errors
#1337 closed Preserve flow diagram settings
#1009 closed Presentation mode and other shortcut keys not always working
#1175 closed Predator and prey order reversed in Ecosim plots
#96 closed Predation mortality- sensitive values
#1272 closed Pred and Prey ranking in Ecosim plots incorrect
#818 closed Possible bug! Ecosim fishing mort. plots wrong when multiple fleets fish the same group.
#1221 closed Port layer editor shows strange behaviour
#324 closed Policy search>missing structure rel. weight
#402 closed Policy search: scroll to last result when searching
#405 closed Policy search: ecosystem structure option not working correctly
#400 closed Policy search run does not update Ecosim run plot
#404 closed Policy search objective button not using mandate option properly
#475 closed Policy search interface
#331 closed Policy search color scheme
#399 closed Policy search GUI tweak: move buttons to more suitable location
#319 closed Policy search > end year does not update gear
#448 closed Policy search
#325 closed Policy Search> Gen discount rate causes extreme results
#1194 closed Plug-ins should be connected to Help
#754 closed Plug-ins incorrectly flagged as incompatble when loading multiple versions of an assembly
#1275 closed Plug-ins do not load
#1243 closed Plug-ins cannot enter items in the log file
#774 closed Plug-in updater aborts on unknown .NET dlls
#756 closed Plug-in update setting on options form does not stick
#1549 closed Plug-in update no longer works
#785 closed Plug-in options interface throws an error when no plug-ins are installed
#782 closed Plug-in auto update logic does not detect new releases of the same version number
#13 closed Plotting Mixed Trophic impacs
#1033 closed Pedigree values do not copy correctly
#801 closed Pedigree level colors do not get saved for new levels
#1010 closed Pedigree level changes do not stick
#1302 closed Pedigree interface too restrictive
#1587 closed Pedigree for catches issues
#1463 closed Pedigree error message is wrong
#935 closed Pedigree Confidence Intervals and Monte Carlo confusion
#1497 closed Path and Cycles stops EwE from working
#156 closed Pasting into a grid without cells selected will crash EwE
#1454 closed Pasting data into edit groups grid throws an error
#1001 closed Paste in 'Define ...' grids does not work well
#683 closed Particle Size Distribution flag is not reset when loading a new model
#119 closed Parameterization- with multi-stanza not working correctly
#61 closed Parameterization of model (number of parameters to enter)
#86 closed Parameterization functionality not working
#42 closed Parameterization biomass t/km2 values
#816 closed PSD form does not take model units into account
#867 closed PSD Not working at all?
#889 closed PP values do not cascade through groups like Names do
#17 closed Overwrites database name when importing a database
#525 closed Overlay option not working in Ecosim
#564 closed Overlay not working properly
#164 closed Other production- cannot enter negative numbers for biomass accumulation
#1575 closed Orphaned taxa
#159 closed Options- group color not changing in Ecosim
#1168 closed Options dialog crashes on invalid path characters
#171 closed Option to Save model not always available
#657 closed Opening tab will open another tab - when selecting a plug-in node
#416 closed Opening model to Ecospace with large map takes a looooooooooooooooong time
#661 closed Opening a database from the core does not run database updates
#609 closed Opening RunEcosim form will not show available Ecosim results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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