{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (901 - 1000 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#423 closed Ecospace->Basemap: Edit MPA
#138 closed Ecospace- Fishery- editing fleet/habitat use- doesnt edit
#136 closed Ecospace- Basemap- Sketch basemap- not working
#1104 closed Ecospace warns for missing habitats even when capacity model does not use habitats
#1134 closed Ecospace throws an exception if Ecosim Reset all has been clicked
#1040 closed Ecospace throws an Exception after maps have been re-sized
#951 closed Ecospace throw exception when run after Fishing Policy search
#1624 closed Ecospace spin-up does not populate UI anymore
#342 closed Ecospace species habitat assignments also assigned to `all`
#1019 closed Ecospace scenarios take too long to save
#886 closed Ecospace scenarios do not retain fleet maps
#1218 closed Ecospace scenario description remains blank
#1538 closed Ecospace save map to image produces awful legends
#684 closed Ecospace sailing cost not computed per fleet
#964 closed Ecospace sailing cost map distorted N/S vs E/W
#1115 closed Ecospace run map should export legend
#860 closed Ecospace run length will not save
#1099 closed Ecospace run graph saves confusing data to file
#1126 closed Ecospace results time steps does not always responded correctly.
#1127 closed Ecospace results grid incorrect for the "End:" period
#1269 closed Ecospace results for regions differ from totals by group or fleet
#562 closed Ecospace results do not update
#1480 closed Ecospace results are not saved
#622 closed Ecospace results are not consistent with input parameters- dispersal rates
#1216 closed Ecospace regions change
#1015 closed Ecospace re-size map to smaller fails
#462 closed Ecospace plots are missing or cut off on RH and bottom edges
#1004 closed Ecospace plot y-axis should range from .1 to 10
#871 closed Ecospace plot must show years, not time steps
#367 closed Ecospace parameters - can't change end time on Summary
#1138 closed Ecospace output maps may run out of sync
#288 closed Ecospace number of year needs to be the same as Ecosim
#421 closed Ecospace number of Timesteps should be default 12 (without decimal space)
#1008 closed Ecospace migration starts at February
#902 closed Ecospace migration seems not to work well
#363 closed Ecospace menu: save as. Can't save to existing name
#662 closed Ecospace may run out of memory on regions
#1220 closed Ecospace may crash when increasing number of regions
#271 closed Ecospace maps will not draw
#712 closed Ecospace maps not displaying legend
#1351 closed Ecospace maps draw slowly
#1548 closed Ecospace maps does not load well when there are no fleets
#693 closed Ecospace maps do not update
#692 closed Ecospace maps do not update
#1390 closed Ecospace maps do not draw maps correctly
#570 closed Ecospace maps do not Invalidate when input change
#1318 closed Ecospace map output folders hidden on Mac OS
#1142 closed Ecospace map edit operation my look confusing
#768 closed Ecospace map does not zoom
#1303 closed Ecospace map does not respond immediately to map background colour changes
#1253 closed Ecospace map cursor feedback should include row and col
#135 closed Ecospace load scenario- not working
#571 closed Ecospace layers
#1192 closed Ecospace layer output dialog needs tweaks
#687 closed Ecospace import of ports adds too many ports
#649 closed Ecospace has problems with big basemaps
#1080 closed Ecospace groups on land
#268 closed Ecospace forms not changing when new scenario loaded
#1354 closed Ecospace edit layer interface grid entirely blocked
#406 closed Ecospace dying out
#688 closed Ecospace does not save on Importance layers
#1553 closed Ecospace does not remember the last default config file
#655 closed Ecospace does not read my time series of fishing effort and mortality from Ecosim
#862 closed Ecospace does not import maps well
#1279 closed Ecospace delete scenario fails
#326 closed Ecospace default values a.o.
#1219 closed Ecospace crashes when reducing # of regions
#872 closed Ecospace crashes when changing Ecosim Scenarios from the Advection form
#377 closed Ecospace crashes if map is resized smaller
#868 closed Ecospace crashes after Fit to Timeseries
#1111 closed Ecospace cost summary not correct when running 1 time step per year
#341 closed Ecospace basemaps are blank (black)
#269 closed Ecospace basemap
#704 closed Ecospace and Timeseries Loading crashes Ecospace interface
#1016 closed Ecospace Save Scenario as... fails
#962 closed Ecospace Sailing Cost map not computing correctly
#1118 closed Ecospace Results Value and Cost missing.
#558 closed Ecospace Regions results missing values
#1117 closed Ecospace Predict effort checkbox has no effect
#270 closed Ecospace Maps error on Baltic model
#1229 closed Ecospace Map/Layers Export map will not export to selected directory
#1517 closed Ecospace Latitudes out of bounds
#286 closed Ecospace Habitat and Fishery set default value = ALL
#1540 closed Ecospace Fleet order does not change
#869 closed Ecospace Exception when switching from Map to Plot view
#22 closed Ecospace Depth map does not contain land cells
#30 closed Ecospace Define Habitats Fraction variable not exposed by core.
#1621 closed Ecospace CSV output ignores land and excluded cells
#508 closed Ecospace Basemap disappears when you add MPA
#507 closed Ecospace Basemap Hangs/Slow
#440 closed Ecospace -> Ecospace Parameters - Default model Value should be EwE6 multistanza
#424 closed Ecospace -> Dispersal: Default Dispersal rate should be 10km/year
#689 closed Ecospace 'small multiples' plot does not respond to show/hide groups settings
#950 closed Ecospace 'show MPA' option should also be available when plotting effort
#306 closed Ecospace
#411 closed Ecosim>FF>Values >cannot select all
#441 closed Ecosim>Ecosim Plots> show all fits: rescaling y axis not working properly
#523 closed Ecosim> time series >values gives errors
#413 closed Ecosim> run Ecosim> show/hide groups not displayed properly
#706 closed Ecosim: predicted yields are not plotted when yield time series are loaded
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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