Ticket #570 (closed: fixed)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

Ecospace maps do not Invalidate when input change

Reported by: shermanl Owned by: shermanl
Priority: normal Milestone: Ecopath 6: build 6.0.7
Component: Ecospace Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (last modified by jeroens) (diff)

Ecospace maps do not refresh/kill itself when you change an input. It is inconsistent to not allowing to view Results form.

-Load Ecospace
-Run ecospace so you see the maps
-Change an input variable/parameter
-View maps -> It should not be there anymore.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by jeroens

Two different things can happen based on what you're looking at. Just verifying that I understand correctly:

  • Basemap should refresh whenever an Ecospace input changes. I think it does that but it's been a while when I dug in there last;
  • Ecospace output forms should close whenever underlying inputs change.

I presume you are referring only to the output forms?

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by jeroens

  • Status changed from assigned to closed
  • Resolution changed from open to fixed
  • Description modified (diff)

Fixed with issue #472

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