{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1301 - 1400 of 1539)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1365 closed Taxon grid leaves names empty
#1366 closed Added FAO exploitation status to Taxonomy
#1367 closed No warning when predator diet is zero
#1368 closed Basic estimates screen full of -9999
#1371 closed Region interface needs improving
#1372 closed EwE shell fails to launch emails with subject text
#1373 closed MultiSim plug-in does not work for effort
#1374 closed MultiSim example... generates example but does not navigate to it
#1375 closed Monte Carlo not varying B unless driven by time series
#1376 closed Losing water when importing depth data
#1377 closed Ecopath output grids fail on certain stanza configurations
#1378 closed Grid paste only works with Tab separators
#1379 closed Grid export and import logic incompatibility
#1380 closed Advection wind and upwelling are not saved
#1381 closed Cannot edit Wind, MLD and Upwelling data
#1382 closed Edit layer data changes not reflected in appearance tab
#1383 closed Need explanation what grid cell statuses mean
#1385 closed Show spawning age on Stanza plot
#1386 closed Shape grid data does not export to CSV file
#1387 closed Anomaly search no spline points must be flexible
#1388 closed Ecosim apply FF to consumer may consider last consumer group as detritus
#1390 closed Ecospace maps do not draw maps correctly
#1391 closed Allow empty lines in Time Series import
#1392 closed Read-only databases do not open
#1393 closed Multiple time series for one group do not show on Ecosim group plots
#1394 closed Cannot add a time series
#1397 closed Monte Carlo focus
#1398 closed Mediation thumbnail list flickering
#1399 closed Add ability to import shapes
#1401 closed Import time series preview slow to update
#1402 closed Preview limitation in time series import may hide data errors
#1403 closed EwE does not launch on Windows XP SP3
#1404 closed Spontaneous biomass accumulation
#1405 closed Flow from Detritus shows detritus
#1406 closed Biomass Accumulation not calculated for all detritus groups
#1407 closed EwE does not launch on WinXP SP3
#1409 closed Also save taxonomy data when saving an Ecopath model from Ecosim
#1410 closed Stepwise fitting autosaving cannot be disabled from Tools > Autosave
#1411 closed Unexpected Biomass Accumulation with multiple detritus groups
#1412 closed Cannot delete groups if Capacity functions are set up
#1413 closed Make Ecospace flow fields editable in the UI
#1414 closed AIC number of data points incorrect
#1415 closed Detritus mortality makes no sense
#1416 closed Producer groups not correctly indicated in Define Groups interface
#1417 closed Show variable changes in status panel
#1418 closed Allow negative prices
#1419 closed Stepwise fitting does not properly restore start status
#1420 closed Stepwise fitting reset vulnerabilities prompt
#1421 closed Stepwise fitting eradicates all forcing
#1422 closed Anomaly search shows wrong Forcing Functions
#1423 closed Can apply more than one FF to Producers
#1424 closed Fit to Time Series messages disrupt batch runs
#1427 closed Repeat forcing data when extending Ecosim run length
#1428 closed Cannot edit shape grid values
#1429 closed Ecosim results formatting inconsistent
#1430 closed Add fleet + group values to Ecosim CSV results
#1431 closed Remove 16 bit applications
#1432 closed Bug in SS calculations for catches
#1433 closed Core state manager not connected properly to core state monitor
#1434 closed Cannot create new model in EwE 6.5 Beta
#1435 closed Ecosim fails to load
#1436 closed Ecosim fails to load
#1437 closed Corrupt signature
#1438 closed Access database driver message incorrect
#1440 closed cannot copy and paste group names from spreadsheet to Define Groups table
#1441 closed Annual Ecosim CSV files are empty
#1442 closed Multi-sim fleet x group values static
#1443 closed Add link to external tools folder
#1444 closed Ecosim environmental driver system keeps flagging the database as dirty
#1445 closed Multisim example file errors
#1446 closed Multisim fails to load / restore last forcing value
#1447 closed Add ability back to edit many vulnerabilities at once
#1448 closed Environmental responses not sticking
#1449 closed Env responses grid does not synchronize
#1450 closed Ecosim environmental response naming confusion
#1451 closed Generic handling of NULL database fields
#1452 closed Unclear which components will run in Ecoplogical Indicators
#1453 closed Habitat capacity always 0
#1454 closed Pasting data into edit groups grid throws an error
#1455 closed 'Define taxa" on Ecological Indicators UI does not work
#1456 closed Monte Carlo results identical to baseline
#1457 closed Focus switches when running MSE
#1458 closed Flow diagram reset does not reset label positions
#1459 closed Cannot reset graph and chart fonts
#1460 closed Changing thumbnail sizes do not update shape thumbnails
#1462 closed MTI plot legend misplaced
#1463 closed Pedigree error message is wrong
#1464 closed Ecosim FD options do not work for Ecopath
#1465 closed Model from Ecosim ACCDB error
#1466 closed Fit to Time Series [Search] disabled
#1467 closed Do not show Sum of Squares if no time series are loaded
#1468 closed Show/hide trophic levels on Flow Diagram
#1469 closed Cannot distinguish EwE versions in App info
#1470 closed "Both" option not shown in Capacity calc model
#1471 closed Show all MPAs on Run Ecospace
#1472 closed Ecotroph fails to launch
#1473 closed Sometimes cannot modify mediation base value
#1474 closed Import basemap from ASCII file may show wrong value scale
#1475 closed Loading Ecospace map may dirty data sources
#1476 closed Cannot edit response functions in shape grids
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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