{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1 - 100 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Status Summary
#526 closed vulnerabilities `set all` not working
#538 closed unable to open model in EwE 6.0.4
#770 closed time series-pasting values into new timeseries gives wrong last number
#151 closed time series- options- cannot change options in graphs
#240 closed time series values cannot be set
#650 closed still problems with non-american computers
#1081 closed spam
#1082 closed spam
#1083 closed spam
#1003 closed remarks in EwE
#414 closed remarks bar does not have scroll option
#150 closed reading 0s in time series instead of missing values
#611 closed problems saving images from Ecosim
#446 closed problem in showing the graph of mixed trophic impact.
#391 closed policy search
#792 closed plugins in BETA
#148 closed parameterization for groups with EE=0
#38 closed other production not being calculated
#709 closed operation in code
#368 closed making new model without saving last causes crash
#60 closed locking of cells/ shading of cells
#39 closed importing model screen
#41 closed importing model already in version 6
#92 closed importing a model- producer/consumer groups switching
#480 closed imported model not balancing
#767 closed import from 5 to 6 bug
#481 closed group numbers in `other production` tab are incorrect
#65 closed grid cell allignment
#610 closed fishing effort related
#433 closed error when editing multistanza makes database unable to open
#376 closed edit groups>color scheme not consistent
#40 closed edit groups keeps crashing :-)
#636 closed ecosim scenarios do not keep the information in description
#663 closed ecosim plots after adding time series
#751 closed ecosim group plots only shows forced catches
#478 closed ecosim fitting plots
#275 closed double clicking on a multistanza group in basic input> edit multistanza errors
#36 closed detritus not being read into diet matrix
#430 closed detritus groups have EE=-9999.00
#456 closed detritus fate in does not update
#93 closed deleting values in a cell
#58 closed deleting fleets- doesnt really delete anything
#729 closed csv from Ecosim all fit plot
#145 closed creating scenarios in Ecosim- using similar words causes problems
#110 closed creating and saving a new model- not working properly
#182 closed copying cells into excell> -9999 values
#74 closed copying and pasting values
#460 closed columns in detritus fate & fishery discard fate are interchanged on import into 6
#431 closed color scheme for created models is all black--alterations to color scheme
#185 closed changing ecosim run time does not automatically update
#1440 closed cannot copy and paste group names from spreadsheet to Define Groups table
#881 closed cCustomComboBoxFleetGroupTree throws an unhandled exception when Dispose is called
#890 closed base case in Ecosim
#97 closed adjusting columns
#803 closed [crash] Timeseries of "average weight" is from CSV.
#1352 closed Yearly forcing function importing
#1500 closed Windows scaling issues
#207 closed Windows menu - 'close all 'clears Navigator window
#1503 closed Windows DPI scaling
#798 closed Windows 7 reports that the Scientific Interface has stopped working
#353 closed When loading a scenario
#437 closed When P/B and Q/B are entered P/Q should be blocked
#1086 closed Website subscriptions do not work
#893 closed Want to be able to sketch F-values again
#124 closed Vulnerabilties grid does not show new values when a different Ecosim scenario is loaded
#773 closed Vulnerabilties all turn to 2 when copied into excel
#1049 closed Vulnerabilities search should only affect coloured blocks
#123 closed Vulnerabilities grid values not saved in the database
#88 closed Vulnerabilities grid displayed different than EwE5
#1164 closed Vulnerabilities do not save
#495 closed Vulnerabilities 'Set' has unexpected side effects
#496 closed Vulnerabilities 'Set All' option has unpredicted results
#1504 closed Visually distinguish time series types
#1242 closed View single fleet in Run Ecospace
#1332 closed Values incorrectly shown as computed
#468 closed Values for forcing functions
#190 closed Values dialogue box on Time Series form
#585 closed Value in ecosim plot
#1563 closed Value hain sub-flows do not show
#931 closed Value chain should notify users when not entirely completed
#1189 closed Value chain payment calculations seem wrong
#831 closed Value chain installer should also install ecost sample database
#1564 closed Value chain defaults should show icons
#968 closed Value chain additions and changes
#1565 closed Value chain UI clean-up
#1070 closed Value Chain zoom factor out of whack when scrolling
#1188 closed Value Chain should not run with searches
#1062 closed Value Chain saving takes too long
#929 closed Value Chain results page should initialize to current run
#1162 closed Value Chain results grid totals do not match
#1060 closed Value Chain results grid should show thousands separators
#1170 closed Value Chain results by fleet do not add up
#926 closed Value Chain result grid does not show values per fleet
#927 closed Value Chain result grid does not show fractions
#930 closed Value Chain needs to show the direction of connections
#1160 closed Value Chain navigation jumps around
#1063 closed Value Chain layout logic needs to be improved
#1238 closed Value Chain error on linking new producers
#928 closed Value Chain equilibrium search options should only be available when Ecosim is loaded
#828 closed User settings do not stick on Win7 and Vista
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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