{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

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Results (601 - 700 of 1539)

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Ticket Status Summary
#959 closed Add Value plots to Ecosim Plots
#958 closed Network Analysis throws an assertion on Ecosim estimations
#957 closed Add Relative Value plot to Run Ecosim
#956 closed FiB index not exported in Network Analysis CSV
#955 closed Price Elasticity Define supply must contain fleet indexes
#954 closed Price Elasticity default shape label
#953 closed Price Elasticity Ecopath baseline value does not show up on sketchpad
#952 closed Change mixed trophic impact graph
#951 closed Ecospace throw exception when run after Fishing Policy search
#950 closed Ecospace 'show MPA' option should also be available when plotting effort
#949 closed Add means to create a beta distribution function
#948 closed Add means to create a beta distribution function
#947 closed Switching to Basic Input
#946 closed Ecosim pred/prey interaction interface applies wrong total cap
#945 closed Ecosim saves only max 3 pred/prey interactions
#944 closed Mediation interface does not pick correct colours for fleets
#943 closed Mediation exception on assigning both fleet and group to same shape
#942 closed Mediation interface does not respond to group and fleet colour changes
#941 closed Use standard output path
#940 closed Add interface to MC to set initial value + bounds on V per predator
#939 closed Show or hide Ecosim plots
#938 closed Network Analysis forms do not respond to Ecopath changes
#937 closed Application status feedback is slow
#936 closed Biomass Accum should not show
#935 closed Pedigree Confidence Intervals and Monte Carlo confusion
#934 closed Change data format when saving graphs to CSV
#933 closed Add CSV file that contains all Monte Carlo iterations
#932 closed Add CSV file that contains all Monte Carlo iterations
#931 closed Value chain should notify users when not entirely completed
#930 closed Value Chain needs to show the direction of connections
#929 closed Value Chain results page should initialize to current run
#928 closed Value Chain equilibrium search options should only be available when Ecosim is loaded
#927 closed Value Chain result grid does not show fractions
#926 closed Value Chain result grid does not show values per fleet
#925 closed Saving updated database models
#923 closed Add Ecosim price elasticity
#922 closed Flow diagram changes
#921 closed Add means to open 'newer' databases in read-only mode
#920 closed Ecosim Save As problems on MSE
#919 closed Not clear how to set water/land cells in Ecospace
#918 closed Ecosim scenario "save as" does not work
#917 closed Add niche pred-prey plot similar to in EwE5
#916 closed New Ecospace base map is all land
#915 closed Monte Carlo gives same result on different runs
#914 closed Loading monte carlo model twice causes an exception
#913 closed Add niche pred-prey plot similar to in EwE5
#911 closed Add option to see SS by group
#910 closed Add a way to distinguish time series types in thumbnails
#909 closed Transfer Efficiency seems to differ between EwE5 an EwE6
#908 closed Add Ecosim Fleet plots
#906 closed Show model descriptions in the model import form
#905 closed Add presentation mode
#904 closed Add AIC (Akaike Information Criteria)
#903 closed Add warning when a time series dataset contains both Effort and F series
#902 closed Ecospace migration seems not to work well
#901 closed Export ecospace time steps to CSV file
#900 closed Ecosim plots group highlight
#899 closed Add shapes grid view
#896 closed Append the Type number to the Times series Type in the Time series Values dialogue (Feature)
#895 closed Run Ecosim form Exception when explicitly closing
#894 closed Fishing Mortality Sketch pad cause interface to hang
#893 closed Want to be able to sketch F-values again
#892 closed Cut and Paste entire grid into Excel drops headers
#891 closed Loading Ecosim may affect groups with imported detritus diets in Ecopath
#890 closed base case in Ecosim
#889 closed PP values do not cascade through groups like Names do
#888 closed Biomass Accumulation does not always update in the 'other production' form for multi stanza groups
#887 closed Diets for detritus groups (was: Flow diagram shows mystery links)
#886 closed Ecospace scenarios do not retain fleet maps
#885 closed Ecosim scenarios may not delete
#884 closed Fishing Policy Search Maximize by Fleet option output grid not sized to fit frame
#883 closed Fishing Policy Search form is throwing an Exception when it loads then completing the load without a proper initialization
#882 closed Ecoranger in EwE 5.1
#881 closed cCustomComboBoxFleetGroupTree throws an unhandled exception when Dispose is called
#880 closed Fishing Mortality (F) time series may not appear as Yield or F in output plots
#879 closed Suitability plot tab cannot be undocked
#878 closed Contaminant Tracer crashes when run length is increased
#877 closed MPA Optimization Area closed not working
#876 closed Ecosim Manage Time Series form not formated correctly
#875 closed Ecosim stock recruitment (SR) plot not working
#874 closed Ecosim scenario Save As may not work
#873 closed Time series does not unload when "None" data set is selected
#872 closed Ecospace crashes when changing Ecosim Scenarios from the Advection form
#871 closed Ecospace plot must show years, not time steps
#870 closed Flow diagram differences between EwE5 and EwE6
#869 closed Ecospace Exception when switching from Map to Plot view
#868 closed Ecospace crashes after Fit to Timeseries
#867 closed PSD Not working at all?
#866 closed Add 2 fishery output forms to Ecopath
#865 closed Add units to Ecopath forms
#864 closed Add 'other mortality' input
#863 closed Timeseries appears to be loaded when switching Ecosim scenarios
#862 closed Ecospace does not import maps well
#861 closed MSE Plots not formatting correctly
#860 closed Ecospace run length will not save
#859 closed Monte Carlo CV application limited
#858 closed Monte Carlo upper and lower parameter limits values differ from EwE5
#857 closed Monte Carlo Parameter limits are overwritten for run
#856 closed Monte Carlo Load pedigree not updating interface
#855 closed Monte Carlo and Pedigree for BA
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