{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1301 - 1400 of 1539)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1116 closed Cannot set values in the Fishing cost map
#1643 closed Cannot scale to external data brought forward
#513 closed Cannot save time series images
#1496 closed Cannot save Mixed Trophic Impact Data to CSV file
#1217 closed Cannot save Ecospace results per region
#1319 closed Cannot run MC
#1459 closed Cannot reset graph and chart fonts
#1591 closed Cannot remove hatchery stocking function
#390 closed Cannot remove Egg production
#5 closed Cannot regenerate Finn Cycling index calcuations
#614 closed Cannot paste group names
#208 closed Cannot open previously converted EwE 6 models
#1022 closed Cannot open model from a portable hard drive
#1301 closed Cannot load a new Ecospace scenario
#1280 closed Cannot load External Data interface on new system
#666 closed Cannot import w/o ACCDB drivers
#1528 closed Cannot import EwE5 models
#632 closed Cannot import CSV time series when file is already open in Excel
#1147 closed Cannot find fishing policy run button
#1488 closed Cannot export MPAs to XY data
#1582 closed Cannot enter pedigree values outsude pre-defined classifications
#664 closed Cannot edit time series values
#1428 closed Cannot edit shape grid values
#1476 closed Cannot edit response functions in shape grids
#1512 closed Cannot edit cells after resizing Ecospace basemap
#1381 closed Cannot edit Wind, MLD and Upwelling data
#1469 closed Cannot distinguish EwE versions in App info
#780 closed Cannot disable Forcing Timeseries
#1239 closed Cannot delete groups when assigned to a capacity map
#550 closed Cannot delete groups once created in version
#1412 closed Cannot delete groups if Capacity functions are set up
#572 closed Cannot delete groups
#1623 closed Cannot delete fleets
#1560 closed Cannot delete external data connection that is applied
#1518 closed Cannot delete duplicate stanza configuration
#153 closed Cannot create new scenarios in Ecosim
#272 closed Cannot create new models
#1434 closed Cannot create new model in EwE 6.5 Beta
#1085 closed Cannot create anonymous tickets
#1278 closed Cannot create a new Ecospace scenario with a name that already exists
#554 closed Cannot copy table in Ecopath>output> fishery> value
#320 closed Cannot change visibility state of Ecopath
#772 closed Cannot change the order of groups in Ecopath
#1501 closed Cannot change name of newly defined mediation functions
#849 closed Cannot change leading group in multi-stanza interface
#1281 closed Cannot change colour gradient of Ecospace depth map
#769 closed Cannot apply mediation and FF to same group
#1165 closed Cannot apply both FF and MedF to Ecosim
#168 closed Cannot add more than one Egg production shapes
#1394 closed Cannot add a time series
#559 closed Cannot access Ecosim results
#994 closed Cannot Delete Groups in Ecopath 6.2 beta
#1059 closed Cancelling a DB update will keep the database locked
#46 closed Can not run Ecosim once the Run ecospace interface is visible
#1423 closed Can apply more than one FF to Producers
#535 closed CPUE time series not scaled to biomass trajectories for some series
#728 closed Bug while opening Ecosim that has mediation function
#1292 closed Bug report EwE info needs trimming down
#643 closed Bug in policy search
#1432 closed Bug in SS calculations for catches
#16 closed Bug in Ecoempire Equation 9
#1642 closed Bring external data forward / extend to the future
#1267 closed Bring back cross-section result extraction to Ecospace
#639 closed Biomass_Change automated test failed
#59 closed Biomass of groups keeps disappearing
#1633 closed Biomass emitter should be usable to boost biomass in habitats too
#1090 closed Biomass curve in Normalized value / age plot is off in Edit Multi Stanza
#537 closed Biomass accumulation pop-up notification for every ecosim run
#459 closed Biomass accum / biomass accum rate update strategy differs from EwE5
#1406 closed Biomass Accumulation not calculated for all detritus groups
#888 closed Biomass Accumulation does not always update in the 'other production' form for multi stanza groups
#936 closed Biomass Accum should not show
#1131 closed Better reflect habitat area fractions
#273 closed Basic input> multistanza drop down not working
#99 closed Basic input--Unassimil. / consumption values- not being calculated correctly
#89 closed Basic input- Warnings
#100 closed Basic input- Unassimil/ consumption values not saving properly
#381 closed Basic input update issue
#81 closed Basic input shading boxes
#18 closed Basic input screen does not show newly added group
#118 closed Basic input not automatically reflecting changes (editing multi-stanza)
#80 closed Basic input errors
#1368 closed Basic estimates screen full of -9999
#131 closed Basic Input screen- not accessible after using Ecosim
#11 closed Basic Estimates not changing after input parameter change
#509 closed Basemap disappears when you add more habitats
#366 closed Basemap - pen size carried over
#285 closed Basemap - ecospace basemap draws on bordering cells
#807 closed Average weight time series causes model crash
#766 closed Average weight for multistanza
#987 closed Automatic updates need administrative privileges
#755 closed Auto-updates do not download
#172 closed Attempt to open Ocean Test model from old Ecopath mdb caused crash
#973 closed Assigned mediation weights + values interface is not obvious
#77 closed Assign habitats interface
#137 closed Assign Habitats-not working
#422 closed Assign Habitats -> Ecospace Area. Calculation of Ecospace Area wrong
#76 closed Assign Habitat does not reflect values back into the core
#24 closed Ask for conformation before performing actions that cannot be undone
#1321 closed ArcGIS floating point ASCII fix
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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