{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (901 - 1000 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#647 closed Getting dollar value used in the policy search
#646 closed Monte Carlo run trials cannot change from default
#645 closed Cumulative graph export to csv outputs cumulative (bad)
#644 closed Relative biomass Timeseries not plotting properly
#643 closed Bug in policy search
#642 closed Load forcing function from CSV
#641 closed Ecopath_Other production Changes automated test failed
#640 closed Ecopath_Diet change automated test failed
#639 closed Biomass_Change automated test failed
#638 closed Suggestion: advection field
#637 closed Forcing functions lost in ecosim fitting to time series
#636 closed ecosim scenarios do not keep the information in description
#635 closed EwE grid paste behaviour inconsistent with Excel
#634 closed Launching app by double-clicking MDB may not load plug-ins
#633 closed FF applied to PP are reported as 'Search rate' applications
#632 closed Cannot import CSV time series when file is already open in Excel
#631 closed Switching applied FF to producer crashes Fit to TS
#630 closed Forcing function_continued_cannot re-search
#629 closed Non-decimal point systems cannot read US databases
#628 closed Forcing function applications reflected wrongly
#627 closed Fit to time series (anomaly search) - cannot re-search after changing FF
#626 closed Non-administrator users do not load plugin - unable to load model
#625 closed Display value of EE by group in Summary Box
#624 closed Multi-Stanza Hatchery Stocking forcing function not imported
#623 closed Timeseries datasets with forcing function data (eTimeSeriesType.TimeForcing) are not applied when timeseries dataset is loaded
#622 closed Ecospace results are not consistent with input parameters- dispersal rates
#621 closed Ecosim scenario will not delete
#620 closed Fishing effort shapes in the SI interface don't update when changing Ecosim scenarios
#619 closed SaveEcospaceScenarioAs()
#618 closed Ecopath->output- electivity supressed values =-1
#617 closed Ecopath- >Output-> Prey overlap- supressed values apprearing
#616 closed Deleting Med function with applications may cause error messages
#615 closed Mediation shape interface axis information is misleading
#614 closed Cannot paste group names
#612 closed Changing Time Series configuration in Ecosim should clear Ecosim results
#611 closed problems saving images from Ecosim
#610 closed fishing effort related
#609 closed Opening RunEcosim form will not show available Ecosim results
#608 closed Suggestion for network analysis under Ecosim runs
#607 closed Database update: Not fired when double clicking on MDB file
#606 closed Program freezes if you do not save scenario when loading a new one
#605 closed Rename 'Ecosim Plots' to something a bit more obvious
#604 closed Ecosim network analysis
#603 closed NumericUpDown control woes (was Ecosim does not pick up time frames of time series loaded)
#602 closed Floating forms do not close when core execution state invalidates their content
#601 closed Import time series may create a dataset with 0 entries
#600 closed Run Ecosim 'Reset All' does not reset time series
#599 closed Adding diets when an Ecosim scenario is loaded will crash an Ecosim Run
#598 closed Mediation
#597 closed Ecopath model parameter changes do not save
#596 closed Apply FF shows incorrect apply options
#595 closed DiscardMortality not saved
#594 closed Apply Mediation FN data not saved
#593 closed Multistanza: stock enhancement forcing function
#592 closed Create new model: fisheries
#591 closed Timeseries plotting on ecosim plots
#590 closed Run Ecosim unbalances when you change Group color
#589 closed Change in Ecosim output when edits made to Ecopath input (only this database)
#587 closed Effort on ecosim plot
#586 closed Equilibrium analysis: MSY
#585 closed Value in ecosim plot
#584 closed Ecosim plot overlay
#583 closed Stanza vbK/VGBF not working properly
#582 closed Multi-stanza configuration damaged when deleting multiple configurations at once
#581 closed Fishery DiscardMortality flags incorrectly blocked from editing
#580 closed DB Compress
#579 closed Run Ecosim plot
#578 closed Forcing function dirty flag
#577 closed No ability to pause Ecospace runs
#576 closed Run Ecospace: cannot save small multiples map
#575 closed Run Ecospace form: high/low gradient bar does not scale properly
#574 closed Network Analysis: cannot open pyramids
#573 closed Flow Diagram: users cannot manually reposition labels
#572 closed Cannot delete groups
#571 closed Ecospace layers
#570 closed Ecospace maps do not Invalidate when input change
#569 closed Run Ecosim form explodes when opened
#568 closed Run Ecosim with time series - select group only highlights lines
#567 closed Fishing policy search Fishing block selection sketch interface asserts
#566 closed Ecopath Paramatization grids are no more read-only
#565 closed Error in calculation of AMI and in running ENA (Ecosim with PPR )
#564 closed Overlay not working properly
#563 closed EcoSpace Region Results
#562 closed Ecospace results do not update
#561 closed Ecosim output graph scale
#560 closed Importing model with created Ecosim scenario gives incorrect results
#559 closed Cannot access Ecosim results
#558 closed Ecospace Regions results missing values
#557 closed Niche Prey and Niche predator Overlap values not consistent
#556 closed Saving of number of time steps
#555 closed Ecopath output> electivity> blank values show as -1
#554 closed Cannot copy table in Ecopath>output> fishery> value
#553 closed Ecopath cannot mass balance with immigration
#552 closed Key Indicies Not being claculated correctly
#551 closed Ecopath edit groups interface not working
#550 closed Cannot delete groups once created in version
#549 closed Headers for predation mortality graph do not show up in Excel
#548 closed Mortality coefficients->values dissappear afer one observation
#547 closed New time series cannot be imported or added
#546 closed Report a bug without email client installed crashes EwE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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