{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1201 - 1300 of 1539)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1250 closed Add option to include Stock Reduction Analysis
#1251 closed Make Ecospace retain visiblity state of layers in BaseMap interface
#1252 closed Habitat maps do now show value feedback in status bar
#1253 closed Ecospace map cursor feedback should include row and col
#1254 closed "Apply best fits" button is not enabled after Monte Carlo simulation
#1255 closed "Save results to .csv" under "Ecosim group plots" and "Save data to .csv..." under "Ecosim all fits" left pane menu items always default to "EwE output" folder under "Documents"
#1258 closed 'Sentivity of SS to V' interface needs legend
#1259 closed Add means to extract which groups are most sensitive
#1261 closed Fishing Policy Search sometimes does not search
#1262 closed Fishing policy search may show too many blocks in the iterations results grid
#1263 closed Grid import and export operations are not shown in status log
#1264 closed MSE Run form layout problems
#1266 closed Open Folder dialog needs improving
#1267 closed Bring back cross-section result extraction to Ecospace
#1268 closed Regions map editor does not respond to changing # of regions
#1269 closed Ecospace results for regions differ from totals by group or fleet
#1270 closed Synchronize items on plots by landings and discards
#1271 closed URL display and handling in User Interface
#1272 closed Pred and Prey ranking in Ecosim plots incorrect
#1273 closed Environmental maps do not support negative values
#1274 closed Units for biomass/total throughput
#1275 closed Plug-ins do not load
#1276 closed Add EcoWriter
#1277 closed Color block selection process is not intuitive
#1278 closed Cannot create a new Ecospace scenario with a name that already exists
#1279 closed Ecospace delete scenario fails
#1280 closed Cannot load External Data interface on new system
#1281 closed Cannot change colour gradient of Ecospace depth map
#1282 closed 'Reference layer' should also be editable from Ecospace Map form
#1284 closed The units for biomass/total throughput in Ecopath Statistics are wrong
#1285 closed "Ecosim network analysis" "Save to CSV file" push-botton does not work
#1286 closed Fit to Time Series does not run
#1287 closed Ecopath model from Ecosim does not generate databases
#1288 closed Ecopath model from Ecosim cannot save if directory is missing
#1289 closed Model from Ecosim database may be empty
#1290 closed Layer import/export too restrictive
#1291 closed Feedback messages do not always show up in the user interface
#1292 closed Bug report EwE info needs trimming down
#1293 closed It is not clear that status panel content has been added
#1294 closed 'Live' fields stop responding when forms are undocked
#1295 closed Model generation message shows as alert
#1296 closed 64 bit start panel problems
#1297 closed 64 bit version complains about ThemedTreeViews
#1298 closed EwE does not find plug-ins
#1299 closed Crash in Ecosim
#1300 closed Database not released properly when update fails
#1301 closed Cannot load a new Ecospace scenario
#1302 closed Pedigree interface too restrictive
#1303 closed Ecospace map does not respond immediately to map background colour changes
#1304 closed Folder selection not possible
#1305 closed Multiple prompts when importing large time series datasets
#1306 closed Exception killer
#1308 closed Multi-sim cannot browse to files
#1309 closed MTI diagram EMF is not usable
#1314 closed Size problems with Forcing tool boxes
#1315 closed 'Prop of contaminant assimm' label wrong in Ecotracer
#1316 closed Text boxes do not reveal their actual data
#1317 closed Map contours lost when land cells have no value
#1318 closed Ecospace map output folders hidden on Mac OS
#1319 closed Cannot run MC
#1321 closed ArcGIS floating point ASCII fix
#1322 closed Default ecospace file header cannot be read in Excel
#1323 closed EwE grids do not properly write CSV file headers
#1324 closed Grids may not import CSV files correctly
#1325 closed Feeding time adjust does not get applied
#1326 closed Add MultiSim egg production support
#1327 closed MultiSim needs support for default Ecosim output directory
#1329 closed Rename navigator nodes
#1330 closed Network analysis options need to be accessible
#1331 closed Flow diagram highlighting
#1332 closed Values incorrectly shown as computed
#1333 closed Allow sub-diagrams
#1334 closed Hard to drag small nodes
#1335 closed Flow diagram drag visible nodes first
#1336 closed Flow diagram title cannot be edited
#1337 closed Preserve flow diagram settings
#1338 closed Add ability to hide groups in Keystones graph
#1339 closed Network Analysis plugin should use EwE decimal settings
#1340 closed Start page keeps navigating to Ecopath start page
#1341 closed Map layer editor improvements
#1342 closed Capacity histogram shows NULL values
#1343 closed Habitat capacity histogram should not show values that are Excluded from the map
#1344 closed Error creating regions
#1345 closed Shape grid does not show all mediation points
#1346 closed Shape grids show mediation functions with monthly time indentation
#1347 closed EwE keeps holding on to a database if upgrade is declined
#1349 closed Monto Carlo hangs
#1350 closed Retain land when sketching excluded cells
#1351 closed Ecospace maps draw slowly
#1352 closed Yearly forcing function importing
#1353 closed Mediation grids shows 'reveal hidden data' option
#1354 closed Ecospace edit layer interface grid entirely blocked
#1355 closed Excluding cells
#1356 closed Importance layers do not save in EwE6
#1358 closed Ecopath model from Ecosim
#1360 closed Add 'generate sample file' to MutliSim
#1361 closed Discard Mortality considered in calculating F
#1362 closed Ecotroph plug-in cannot unzip files
#1363 closed Some EwE grids do not display correctly when Stanza Life Stages are not consecutive groups
#1364 closed Color options not working well
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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