- 10:09 Ticket #813 (MSE should use F time series) closed by
- not an issue
- 09:57 Ticket #827 (EwE6 needs the Functional Response plot) closed by
- fixed: ..and it already has in the Suitability plots, isn't that amazing
- 07:59 Ticket #833 (The interface has to be more intuitive on how to define groups, fleets, ...) closed by
- fixed
- 07:22 Ticket #833 (The interface has to be more intuitive on how to define groups, fleets, ...) created by
- From an older message: ..Since I am a learner of this software. I …
- 15:35 Ticket #832 (Fishing Policy Search discount rate + gen. discount rate have no effect) closed by
- fixed
- 13:43 Ticket #832 (Fishing Policy Search discount rate + gen. discount rate have no effect) created by
- In the FPS form, user changes to the discount rate and generational …
- 15:51 Ticket #830 (Google area search prompt too limited) closed by
- fixed: Ideally should show a list of results via a proper search manager but hey, …
- 15:42 Ticket #828 (User settings do not stick on Win7 and Vista) closed by
- fixed: Next release will store settings in an application data directory.
- 14:25 Ticket #831 (Value chain installer should also install ecost sample database) created by
- Include Ocean ECOST.ewemdb
- 14:23 Ticket #830 (Google area search prompt too limited) created by
- The Google area search prompt should at least display the bounding box …
- 13:54 Ticket #829 (Add new interface for configuring Ecosim environmental parameter drivers) created by
- Currently, Ecosim only supports Salinity and Temperature loading …
- 13:27 Ticket #828 (User settings do not stick on Win7 and Vista) created by
- On Windows 7 and Vista machines the settings file cannot be written. …
- 12:11 Ticket #647 (Getting dollar value used in the policy search) closed by
- not an issue
- 11:56 Ticket #827 (EwE6 needs the Functional Response plot) created by
- it just does
- 10:37 Ticket #717 (Forcing function time series of type 2 do not import correctly) closed by
- not an issue: The bug here is that the EwE6 interface still allows users to define TS of …
- 10:37 Ticket #826 (Handling of time series type 2 should be reconsidered) created by
- There is a fundamental difference between how EwE5 and EwE6 handle forcing …
- 10:09 Ticket #623 (Timeseries datasets with forcing function data ...) closed by
- not an issue
- 09:13 Ticket #824 (MSE Group reference levels 'Reset to target fishing mortality' sets values ...) closed by
- fixed
- 06:34 Ticket #467 (Fishing Policy Search giving unpredictable results) closed by
- fixed
- 11:15 Ticket #825 (Ecosim plots F and Catch do not correctly break down fleet proportions ...) created by
- Related to Ticket #817 F time series is the sum of fishing mort. …
- 11:01 Ticket #817 (Ecosim fishing mort. and catch plots are not correct when F (fishing ...) closed by
- fixed: I fixed this by putting all the catch from a group into the first fleet …
- 07:17 Ticket #750 (MSE Default target fishing mortalities not set when importing model.) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in the database
- 20:36 HowToPrintWikiToPdf edited by
- (diff)
- 20:12 HowToPrintWikiToPdf edited by
- (diff)
- 12:54 Ticket #824 (MSE Group reference levels 'Reset to target fishing mortality' sets values ...) created by
- Import a model from 5 Go to MSE>Reference levels>MSE Group click 'Reset …
- 12:36 Ticket #810 (Ecosim throws an error on invalid pred/prey assignments) closed by
- fixed
- 12:25 Ticket #811 (Truely share all resources) closed by
- not an issue
- 11:44 Ticket #818 (Possible bug! Ecosim fishing mort. plots wrong when multiple fleets fish ...) closed by
- fixed: The was related to bug #820
- 11:38 Ticket #820 (Ecosim Edit landings does not update Ecosim catch correctly when Ecosim ...) closed by
- fixed: ProplandingTime? and PropdiscardsTime? where not getting updated properly. I …
- 11:34 Ticket #822 (Discard mortality rate grid does not enable/disable cells in response to ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed this by calling Set_DiscardMort_Flags when landings edited in …
- 06:45 Ticket #800 (Import progress bar resets) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 17:41 Ticket #823 (Import time series may lead to corrupted Ecosim model) closed by
- fixed: The problem resided deep in the EwE core where the database was flagged as …
- 17:36 Ticket #823 (Import time series may lead to corrupted Ecosim model) created by
- To reproduce: * Load a model with a time series of type 1 * Modify the …
- 12:33 Ticket #822 (Discard mortality rate grid does not enable/disable cells in response to ...) reopened by
- 12:32 Ticket #822 (Discard mortality rate grid does not enable/disable cells in response to ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 12:24 Ticket #821 (Time Series import does not provide error feedback on bogus clipboard data) closed by
- open
- 11:40 Ticket #822 (Discard mortality rate grid does not enable/disable cells in response to ...) created by
- Discard mortality rates can be set on Landing as well as discards. This is …
- 10:47 Ticket #821 (Time Series import does not provide error feedback on bogus clipboard data) created by
- To reproduce: * Copy a random line of text to the clipboard * Open the …
- 09:12 Ticket #820 (Ecosim Edit landings does not update Ecosim catch correctly when Ecosim ...) created by
- If an Ecosim scenario is already loaded and the users adds or edits an …
- 04:58 Ticket #819 (Delete TS dataset removes (none)?!) closed by
- not an issue: Argh, that is not a bug. The user will select the dataset to delete and …
- 04:57 Ticket #819 (Delete TS dataset removes (none)?!) created by
- To reproduce: * In the Delete time series dialog, select the only …
- 14:28 Ticket #818 (Possible bug! Ecosim fishing mort. plots wrong when multiple fleets fish ...) created by
- Something does not look correct in the Ecosim F and Catch plots when there …
- 12:46 Ticket #817 (Ecosim fishing mort. and catch plots are not correct when F (fishing ...) created by
- The Ecosim plots that plot F and catch are based on the effort and Ecopath …
- 10:36 Ticket #816 (PSD form does not take model units into account) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 06:36 Ticket #816 (PSD form does not take model units into account) created by
- The PSD form shows 'year' as headers, and does not respond to time unit …
- 05:40 Ticket #815 (Compiling the sources against non-standard .NET assemblies) closed by
- fixed
- 05:39 Ticket #815 (Compiling the sources against non-standard .NET assemblies) created by
- EwE6 requires JRO, MS Access and Excel (for the ResultsExtractor plug-in) …
- 16:03 CodeBestPractices edited by
- (diff)
- 15:56 CodeBestPractices edited by
- (diff)
- 15:54 CodeBestPractices edited by
- (diff)
- 15:52 CodeBestPractices edited by
- (diff)
- 15:52 CodeBestPractices edited by
- (diff)
- 12:49 Ticket #814 (MSE effort not reflected in Ecosim effort) created by
- If MSE scenarios are run, the changes in effort reflected in the MSE …
- 12:47 Ticket #813 (MSE should use F time series) created by
- The MSE output plots and Ecosim group plots are not well linked. When F …
- 17:59 Ticket #812 (Taxon data should include phylum) closed by
- fixed
- 17:59 Ticket #812 (Taxon data should include phylum) created by
- FishBase? contains support for phylum in its taxonomy searches. EwE should …
- 05:04 Ticket #811 (Truely share all resources) created by
- I figured out how to share resources among assemblies. The current …
- 09:52 Ticket #809 (FishMort shapes may be wrongly assigned after import from EwE5 models) closed by
- fixed: Database made more robust
- 09:21 Ticket #810 (Ecosim throws an error on invalid pred/prey assignments) created by
- Invalid pred/prey forcing function assignments cause Ecosim to pitch an …
- 09:14 Ticket #809 (FishMort shapes may be wrongly assigned after import from EwE5 models) created by
- A recently imported EwE5 model used a fishing mortality shape to drive …
- 08:26 Ticket #808 (Network Analysis navigation tree shows all input nodes) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 08:17 Ticket #808 (Network Analysis navigation tree shows all input nodes) created by
- Network Analysis plug-in navigation tree shows all green 'input' nodes …
- 07:45 Ticket #807 (Average weight time series causes model crash) closed by
- fixed: Index out of range exception was thrown by the results extractor plug-in. …
- 07:25 Ticket #807 (Average weight time series causes model crash) created by
- Model crash if time series of "average weight" for stanza have been …
- 13:47 Ticket #806 (Edit multi-stanza interface does not show 'Ecosim needed' warning) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 13:47 Ticket #806 (Edit multi-stanza interface does not show 'Ecosim needed' warning) created by
- To reproduce: * Load a model with multi-stanza configurations * Do …
- 10:39 Ticket #788 (Forcing timeseries longer than current run does not set Effort) closed by
- fixed: cCore.UpdateTimeseries?() Calls …
- 05:35 Ticket #624 (Multi-Stanza Hatchery Stocking forcing function not imported) closed by
- fixed: In EwE5, the hatchery index is specified in Ecopath, while the actual …
- 07:55 Ticket #779 (Network Analysis pyramids do not launch - again) closed by
- not fixable: The error message that Windows returns when trying to launch the pyramids …
- 06:13 Ticket #805 (Set option in common grids does not refresh common cells) closed by
- fixed: This only happens when the Set option is applied to regular cells, e.g. …
- 06:12 Ticket #805 (Set option in common grids does not refresh common cells) created by
- The Set option, available in all forms with grids that accept user input, …
- 06:06 Ticket #642 (Load forcing function from CSV) closed by
- fixed: Implemented in the values dialog via the CSV import/export buttons
- 09:46 Ticket #804 (Complex plug-in installer packages cannot be versioned and deployed yet) created by
- Future plug-ins, such as the spatial data plug-in points, will require …
- 19:49 Ticket #803 ([crash] Timeseries of "average weight" is from CSV.) closed by
- duplicate
- 19:37 Ticket #803 ([crash] Timeseries of "average weight" is from CSV.) created by
- Model crash if time series of "average weight" for stanza have been …
- 04:48 Ticket #802 (Publications should be sorted by year, author) created by
- The list of publications on Ecopath.org is sorted by year, but authors per …
- 08:28 Ticket #794 (Log file location may not be valid under Win7) closed by
- fixed: Moved log file to app data\Ecopath with Ecosim
- 07:42 Ticket #799 (Recent models list is empty on Win 7) closed by
- fixed: Reverted to default settings behaviour in EwE; settings file now stored in …
- 07:04 Ticket #796 (New pedigree levels do not stick) closed by
- fixed: For a while databases were set to reject empty pedigree level …
- 07:01 Ticket #801 (Pedigree level colors do not get saved for new levels) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 07:01 Ticket #801 (Pedigree level colors do not get saved for new levels) created by
- Colors are not preserved when creating a new pedigree level with a custom …
- 06:15 Ticket #795 (Installation on Win7 64 bit) closed by
- unable to duplicate: Changed installer to require admin rights, hope this solves the issue
- 06:06 Ticket #797 (Exception in WebBrowser) closed by
- unable to duplicate: All web browser interaction placed in try/catch blocks, and all exceptions …
- 05:46 Ticket #800 (Import progress bar resets) created by
- During the import process the progress bar jumps back to 0 instead of …
- 05:44 Ticket #799 (Recent models list is empty on Win 7) created by
- The recent models section remains empty on Windows 7
- 05:43 Ticket #798 (Windows 7 reports that the Scientific Interface has stopped working) created by
- At random moments Windows 7 pops up a message stating that the Scientific …
- 05:41 Ticket #797 (Exception in WebBrowser) created by
- Seen only once on Windows 7 64 bit: an exception appeared mentioning …
- 01:26 Ticket #790 (Models on Ecopath.org too old) closed by
- fixed
- 18:21 Ticket #796 (New pedigree levels do not stick) created by
- This happens only on some databases
- 18:13 Ticket #795 (Installation on Win7 64 bit) created by
- after instalation/reinstalation system ask to reinstal EwE6 beta
- 18:09 Ticket #792 (plugins in BETA) closed by
- fixed: Maciej, I have moved some of the things that you reported to separate …
- 07:43 Ticket #745 (Ecosim FiB index is wrong) closed by
- fixed
- 07:47 Ticket #794 (Log file location may not be valid under Win7) created by
- Under Windows 7, applications should not write to the program files …
- 07:34 Ticket #793 (About > Help > Technical reports an error) closed by
- fixed: Solved
- 07:34 Ticket #793 (About > Help > Technical reports an error) created by
- Help/About?/ver. show error when try to display
- 06:43 Ticket #792 (plugins in BETA) created by
- BETA ver. do not recognize plugins like Network Analysis and …
- 18:29 Ticket #787 (No user manual after installing EwE) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in BETA
- 10:43 Ticket #771 (Database are not recogniced) closed by
- not an issue: This applied to daily builds - off record
- 09:59 Ticket #791 (Oct 2010 BETA fails to import certain older models) closed by
- fixed: Fixed, was minor glitch with great consequences for some models
- 09:58 Ticket #791 (Oct 2010 BETA fails to import certain older models) created by
- When importing older models a message appears that database update …
- 09:48 Ticket #789 (Ecosim "Reset all" fails to set time series enabled/disabled flag) closed by
- fixed
- 08:05 Ticket #790 (Models on Ecopath.org too old) created by
- Some models on ecopath.org are too old for the EwE6 import logic, most …
- 19:25 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 12:52 Ticket #780 (Cannot disable Forcing Timeseries) closed by
- fixed: The forcing time series data is now cleared from memory when ever time …
- 12:48 Ticket #789 (Ecosim "Reset all" fails to set time series enabled/disabled flag) created by
- When forcing time series data is loaded and the "Reset all' button is …
- 12:39 Ticket #788 (Forcing timeseries longer than current run does not set Effort) created by
- When you load forcing timeseries data F, Catch or Z that have a greater …
- 03:36 DownloadingTheSourceFromSvn edited by
- (diff)
- 03:34 DownloadingTheSourceFromSvn edited by
- (diff)
- 03:29 BasicTutorials edited by
- (diff)
- 21:14 Ticket #787 (No user manual after installing EwE) created by
- The user manual shortcut in the programs start menu does not work
- 20:33 Ticket #786 (Network Analysis PPR values in .csv file not clear) created by
- I have been looking at the PPR estimated by Ecosim and Ecopath (for both …
- 17:19 Ticket #785 (Plug-in options interface throws an error when no plug-ins are installed) closed by
- fixed: Fixed, will be released Nov 1
- 17:19 Ticket #785 (Plug-in options interface throws an error when no plug-ins are installed) created by
- This is caused by an error in the Plug-in Options interface.
- 17:06 Ticket #784 (Ecosim may throw an assertion when editing fleet size dynamics) closed by
- fixed: Fixed, will be released Nov 1
- 17:01 Ticket #784 (Ecosim may throw an assertion when editing fleet size dynamics) created by
- This is caused by an error in the core method UpdateEcosimFleet?, where the …
- 16:37 Ticket #783 (EwE is silent when 'Report a bug' a fails) closed by
- fixed
- 16:36 Ticket #783 (EwE is silent when 'Report a bug' a fails) created by
- The option 'report a bug' does not appear to work when there is no mail …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.