- 00:16 Ticket #1036 (Group plots not workingin Ecosim) created by
- I do not get any group plots working in Ecosim group plots
- 19:23 Ticket #1035 (Ecosim effort time series not operating on model /creating own effort ...) created by
- I tried to run a scenario which has a time series of fishing efforts etc …
- 15:50 Ticket #1034 (Changes to Flow Diagram) created by
- Is there anyway to prevent Ecopath from automatically placing names/labels …
- 15:49 Ticket #1032 (Mediation shape no longer seem to show the Ecopath baseline) closed by
- unable to duplicate
- 08:39 Ticket #1033 (Pedigree values do not copy correctly) created by
- Hey guys Version I have entered the pedigree values before …
- 09:44 Ticket #1032 (Mediation shape no longer seem to show the Ecopath baseline) created by
- The mediation shapes are missing the Ecopath biomass base line
- 09:42 Ticket #1031 (Mediation and Price Elasticity shape clip X axis to number of Ecosim year) created by
- The X axis on Mediation and Price Elasticity sketch pad re-sizes with the …
- 11:48 Ticket #1030 (Change shape form should show the name of the shape that is being edited) created by
- The 'change shape' interface allows users to alter the data of a forcing …
- 10:32 Ticket #1029 (Ecosim Forcing Function do not save data past 100 years) created by
- Set the Ecosim run length to greater than 100 years. Sketch in Forcing …
- 11:36 Ticket #1028 (Shape sketch pads X-axis label placements are incorrect) created by
- The forcing functions and time series sketch pads do not place labels …
- 00:49 Ticket #1027 (Forcing functions should only show the number of Ecosim years) closed by
- fixed
- 17:26 Milestone Ecopath 6: release 6.2.1 completed
- Service release for 6.2 with fixes that will be discovered in freshly …
- 17:13 Ticket #1027 (Forcing functions should only show the number of Ecosim years) created by
- Right now, forcing functions show the entire 100 default years. For …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.