{10} Tickets needing assessment (34 matches)

Active tickets that have not yet been assessed

Ticket Summary Component Severity Type Created
#1384 Possible bug(s) in the EwE6 Statistics calculations Ecopath minor not assessed 2015-03-01
#1646 Loading Ecosim time series displays wrong number Ecosim minor not assessed 2024-01-26
#1313 Import Vulnerabilities does not seem to work Overall GUI minor not assessed 2013-11-30
#981 MSE effort inconsistent when fishing mortality TS loaded MSE minor not assessed 2011-06-01
#1348 Possible bug in Omnivory Index Ecopath minor not assessed 2014-06-20
#1370 Make sure a model has all default pedigree levels Ecopath minor not assessed 2014-11-04
#1645 Ecotracer banded results Contaminant tracing major not assessed 2023-12-14
#1400 Ecospace effort not distributing as expected Ecospace major not assessed 2015-12-14
#1590 MTI slow Network Analysis plug-in major not assessed 2018-09-18
#1593 Time step not correctly used Ecopath from Ecosim plug-in major not assessed 2018-09-27
#1312 FMSY problems MSY major not assessed 2013-11-30
#1077 Ascendency and overhead (but not capacity) calculated on exports are wrong Network Analysis plug-in major NOT SET 2012-01-29
#1087 Fishing Policy iteration grid values are not intuitive Fishing Policy Search major not assessed 2012-02-27
#1181 Discard Mortality rate dialogue should be moved to MSE Ecosim major NOT SET 2012-10-29
#1256 F in EwE6.3 Ecosim major not assessed 2013-08-05
#1599 Extend policy optimization Fishing Policy Search feature not assessed 2018-10-07
#1601 HRC in Ecosim Ecosim feature not assessed 2018-10-07
#1542 Add ability to auto-save Ecospace summaries Ecospace feature not assessed 2017-11-10
#445 Ecosim diagnostics: F-values Ecosim feature not assessed 2008-04-02
#613 Monte Carlo biomass plot output Ecosim feature not assessed 2009-05-20
#403 Add Ecosim results stacked bar plot Ecosim feature not assessed 2008-02-04
#1257 Ecospace IBM stops run due to Index out of bounds error Ecospace crash not assessed 2013-08-16
#1594 Ecopath values not entering Overall GUI NOT SET not assessed 2018-09-27
#1589 Discard and landings TS in plots Ecosim NOT SET not assessed 2018-09-18
#1310 Policy search interface problems Fishing Policy Search NOT SET not assessed 2013-11-30
#1389 Ecopath "Habitat area fraction" recalculates Biomass incorrectly for multi-stanza groups Ecopath NOT SET not assessed 2015-06-10
#1576 Auqamaps import not showing x-axis data NOT SET NOT SET not assessed 2018-05-23
#1592 Ecospace should throw a warning when there are no water cells NOT SET NOT SET not assessed 2018-09-18
#1461 Overflow exception in MSE run NOT SET NOT SET not assessed 2016-05-31
#1493 AIC differences between EwE and Stepwise Fitting Stepwise fitting plug-in NOT SET not assessed 2016-06-13
#1035 Ecosim effort time series not operating on model /creating own effort series Ecosim NOT SET NOT SET 2011-08-04
#1038 Ecospace leaking discards into non-fished habitat boxes Ecospace NOT SET NOT SET 2011-08-15
#1307 possible Monte Carlo bug Monte Carlo NOT SET NOT SET 2013-11-30
#1550 Change v's over time NOT SET NOT SET not assessed 2017-12-09
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.