Ticket #1256 (new not assessed)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

F in EwE6.3

Reported by: sylvieg Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: NOT SET
Component: Ecosim Version: 6.3.1
Severity: major Keywords:


I am running test runs with the MSE procedure comparing them with a EwE run extended after my fitted period (1970-2008) to year 2070. To my surprise, EwE does not apply the F of the last year (0.73 for cod 7+) which appears in the EwE run window. It drops F inexplicably to roughly half of that (0.35) which appears in the group plot.

Only when I import a time series that explicitly put in the F to be applied in the projected years, does EwE apply the right F.

Is there something I do not understand here? I do not remember this behaviour, something must have changed

Change History

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by jeroens

Villyc: It does sound like a bug. We don't have funding to make fixes (apart from through user support contracts through Ecopath Consortium), so this will only be checked when we have someone with a user support contract asking for it. That's the reality of life.

I suggest you add one more year to your time series and repeat the last year, then ignore last year in results.

Last edited 12 years ago by jeroens (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by jeroens

Sylvieg: thanks Villy,
i will try that

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