- 01:16 Ticket #1315 ('Prop of contaminant assimm' label wrong in Ecotracer) created by
- There is a mix-up in the Ecotracer labeling for the Colum/Field entitled: …
- 09:22 Ticket #1308 (Multi-sim cannot browse to files) closed by
- duplicate: Duplicate of #1304
- 09:16 Ticket #1309 (MTI diagram EMF is not usable) closed by
- fixed: Fixed. Also added label display options
- 02:42 Ticket #1314 (Size problems with Forcing tool boxes) closed by
- fixed: Fixed. The toolbox was refusing to become smaller than its initial size
- 02:38 Ticket #1314 (Size problems with Forcing tool boxes) created by
- Forms such as 'time series', 'forcing functions', etc all share a similar …
- 02:09 Ticket #1313 (Import Vulnerabilities does not seem to work) created by
- Tthe import vulnerabilities doesn’t seem to work
- 02:05 Ticket #1312 (FMSY problems) created by
- Well I thought I had this cracked but I've tried the Find Fmsys routine …
- 02:03 Ticket #1311 (Ecosim 'All fleets' item missing from fishing mortalities) created by
- You used to be able to enter a comma-separated vector of fishing …
- 02:02 Ticket #1310 (Policy search interface problems) created by
- In the policy search, you should be able to colour several fleets using …
- 02:01 Ticket #1309 (MTI diagram EMF is not usable) created by
- The EMF file exported from MTI is not good enough to be used in …
- 01:59 Ticket #1308 (Multi-sim cannot browse to files) created by
- I found a problem in MultiSim in the beta version. I cannot change the …
- 01:56 Ticket #1307 (possible Monte Carlo bug) created by
- I have hit a snag with Monte Carlo. The routine runs and produces properly …
- 03:08 Ticket #1306 (Exception killer) created by
- Occasional exception cripples EwE: System.DivideByZeroException? was …
- 03:07 Ticket #1305 (Multiple prompts when importing large time series datasets) created by
- I would like to see the feature to the import series: a button to say that …
- 03:04 Ticket #1304 (Folder selection not possible) created by
- I found a problem in MultiSim in the beta version. I cannot change the …
- 03:16 Ticket #1251 (Make Ecospace retain visiblity state of layers in BaseMap interface) closed by
- fixed: Implemented in a very blunt way: layer visibility state is remembered by …
- 01:40 Ticket #1303 (Ecospace map does not respond immediately to map background colour changes) closed by
- fixed
- 00:17 Ticket #1303 (Ecospace map does not respond immediately to map background colour changes) created by
- The Ecospace maps do not immediately refresh when the user changes the map …
- 08:00 Milestone Ecopath 6: release 6.4 completed
- 05:14 Ticket #1302 (Pedigree interface too restrictive) closed by
- fixed: Vikset
- 04:44 Ticket #1302 (Pedigree interface too restrictive) created by
- I was doing the pedigree for a model and noted that the table does not …
- 04:39 Ticket #1301 (Cannot load a new Ecospace scenario) closed by
- fixed: New databases did not include the 'ExcludedMap?' field in the Ecospace …
- 04:37 Ticket #1301 (Cannot load a new Ecospace scenario) created by
- Create a new Ecospace scenario in Beta 2 and it will not load
- 03:32 Ticket #1300 (Database not released properly when update fails) created by
- If a database update in EwE fails it cannot be tried again; the database …
- 05:31 Ticket #1228 (Ecosim plots 'save' sometimes throws an error) closed by
- fixed
- 03:59 Ticket #1299 (Crash in Ecosim) closed by
- fixed: This can occur when closing Ecosim while it's running. I've made the code …
- 03:57 Ticket #1299 (Crash in Ecosim) created by
- Yesterday, using Ecosim on Windows 7, I've got the next error report and …
- 03:05 Ticket #1298 (EwE does not find plug-ins) closed by
- fixed: This error emerged when the .\plugins sub-folder was introduced, appending …
- 02:36 Ticket #1298 (EwE does not find plug-ins) created by
- When launching EwE by double-clicking a database the plug-ins are not …
- 00:02 Ticket #1296 (64 bit start panel problems) closed by
- unable to duplicate
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