Custom Query (23 matches)


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Status: assigned (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#403 Add Ecosim results stacked bar plot not assessed low feature
#445 Ecosim diagnostics: F-values not assessed normal feature
#588 Apply mediation to effort jeroens assessed high feature
#613 Monte Carlo biomass plot output not assessed normal feature

Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#585 Value in ecosim plot jeroens assessed normal feature
#718 Ecosim: effort shapes not properly updated? not assessed normal 6.5 beta tweak
#829 Add new interface for configuring Ecosim environmental parameter drivers assessed normal 6.5 beta feature
#948 Add means to create a beta distribution function assessed normal tweak
#949 Add means to create a beta distribution function assessed normal tweak
#1072 The "Set" box in vulnerabilities do not work jeroens NOT SET NOT SET NOT SET
#1208 EwE does not allow time series forcing of input rates (immig(i)) for detritus groups assessed high 6.3.0 major
#1228 Ecosim plots 'save' sometimes throws an error assessed normal 6.3.1 minor
#1258 'Sentivity of SS to V' interface needs legend jeroens assessed normal 6.3.1 feature

Status: new (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#826 Handling of time series type 2 should be reconsidered assessed normal tweak
#990 Ecosim Plots multiple runs assessed low feature
#1024 Variable time steps in Ecosim assessed low feature
#1035 Ecosim effort time series not operating on model /creating own effort series cathyb NOT SET NOT SET 6.3.1 NOT SET
#1058 Add price to Ecosim plots assessed low feature
#1181 Discard Mortality rate dialogue should be moved to MSE NOT SET normal 6.3.1 major
#1186 Cannot leave remarks for forcing, egg prod and mediation assignments jeroens assessed normal tweak
#1227 Show group breakdown by fleet catch assessed normal 6.3.1 feature
#1256 F in EwE6.3 not assessed normal 6.3.1 major
#1283 BA input is incorrectly ignored in calculating Ecosim rates joeb assessed normal 6.4.0 BETA major
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