- 17:30 Ticket #608 (Suggestion for network analysis under Ecosim runs) created by
- When you run Ecosim and then network analysis, by default the csv file …
- 19:43 Ticket #607 (Database update: Not fired when double clicking on MDB file) created by
- Database update prompt is not invoked when you double click on the mdb …
- 16:54 Ticket #606 (Program freezes if you do not save scenario when loading a new one) created by
- It seems you have to save a scenario (or changes to a scenario) when you …
- 06:47 Ticket #605 (Rename 'Ecosim Plots' to something a bit more obvious) created by
- Ecosim plot label in navigator pane: could it be called Ecosim group plots …
- 19:38 Ticket #604 (Ecosim network analysis) created by
- Ok, so I run Ecosim and go to Ecopath network plugin and run ecosim …
- 19:15 Ticket #603 (NumericUpDown control woes (was Ecosim does not pick up time frames of ...) created by
- When more than one time series are loaded into ecosim it seems ecosim does …
- 10:09 Ticket #602 (Floating forms do not close when core execution state invalidates their ...) created by
- In EwE6, output forms must close when their display data is invalidated: …
- 13:20 Ticket #601 (Import time series may create a dataset with 0 entries) created by
- ..which does not make sense This happens when performing an import …
- 13:17 Ticket #600 (Run Ecosim 'Reset All' does not reset time series) created by
- In 5 it does
- 15:04 Ticket #599 (Adding diets when an Ecosim scenario is loaded will crash an Ecosim Run) created by
- Perform the following steps to reproduce: - Load a model - Load an …
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