Ticket #484 (closed assessed: fixed)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

EwE5 Database on Ecopath.org fails to import

Reported by: shermanl Owned by: jeroens
Priority: normal Milestone: Ecopath 6: release 6.0.8
Component: Database / Import Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (last modified by shermanl) (diff)

Several database on Ecopath.org fails the import process as you can see in the below email. (http://www.ecopath.org/index.php?name=Models). Here is the list of models that does not work.

Model Name Functional Groups Questions/Issues? Works on version 5.1?

Aleutian_63_2005_Sylvie_80% 40 Diet Composition for Rockfish does not sum up to 1 Yes

Baltic 17 No value for detritus biomass Yes

Chesapeake 46 No value for detritus biomass Yes

CNP 31 Failed to estimate various parameters (EE and biomass) Yes

Eastern_Bering_Sea 26 No value for detritus biomass and failed to estimate various paramenters (EE and biomass) Yes

ETP7 39 Failed to estimate various parameters (EE and biomass) Yes

Iceland_-_1950 24 Failed to estimate various parameters (EE and biomass) Yes

North Sea 32 Failed to estimate various parameters (EE) Yes

SEAK_1963_18mars_PDO2 40 Failed to estimate various parameters (EE) Yes

WCVI 15 No value for detritus biomass Yes 

From: csoykan@… csoykan@… Sent: June-18-08 15:23 To: Villy Christensen Subject: Problems running Ecosim with EwE 6


Below is a post I added to the EwE 6 bug report on the website ...

however, since it doesn't seem like people check the bug report very often, I thought that I'd email you directly as well:

I am using several EwE models posted on this website ... however, they were created in an earlier version of EwE (5.0 or 5.1) and when I convert them to EwE 6.0 and try to run Ecosim I encounter several problems. These include:

1) The detritus biomass is not defined for several of the models; 2) The diet composition for a group does not sum to 1 for one of the models; and 3) EwE fails to estimate various parameters (EEs and group biomasses) for several of the models.

If I run the models in EwE 5.1, I do not encounter these problems, so I am pretty sure that it has something to do with the new version of EwE or with the conversion of the models from one version to another. Any insights or feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks, Candan Soykan csoykan@…

Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by shermanl

  • Type set to not assessed
  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by jeroens

  • Type changed from not assessed to assessed

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by jeroens

Model Status
Aleutian_63_2005_Sylvie_80% (40) Model not found
Baltic (17) Model not found
Chesapeake(46) Model not found
CNP (31) Model not found
Eastern_Bering_Sea (26) Model not found
ETP7 (39) Model not found
Iceland_-_1950 (24) Fixed
North Sea (32) Model not found
SEAK_1963_18mars_PDO2 (40) Model not found
WCVI (15) Model not found

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by shermanl

  • Milestone changed from Ecopath 6: build 6.0.7 to Ecopath 6: build 6.0.8

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by shermanl

  • Status changed from assigned to closed
  • Resolution changed from open to fixed

All these models are found here (you'll have to open with a later version of 5.1): C:\Ecopath\Ecopath6_Internal_misc\Database\EwE5 Databases\EcopathMSY.zip

Model Status
Aleutian_63_2005_Sylvie_80% (40) Model not found
Baltic (17) Balanced (resolved)
Chesapeake(46) Model not balanced (resolved)
CNP (31) Estimated ok (resolved)
Eastern_Bering_Sea (26) Estimated ok (resolved)
ETP7 (39) Estimated ok (resolved)
Iceland_-_1950 (24) (resolved)
North Sea (32) Estimated ok (resolved)
SEAK_1963_18mars_PDO2 (40) Model not found
WCVI (15) Runs, only warning for no value (resolved)


  • the "no value for detritus" just means we can't display relative value in Ecosim.  Simple fix is to put 10. These are not bugs.
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