Ticket #1551 (new assessed)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

Multiple contaminants in Ecotracer

Reported by: kimdem Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: NOT SET
Component: Contaminant tracing Version:
Severity: feature Keywords:


Can you include multiple environmental contaminant compartments (so that we can separate the environmental concentration from water and sediment) with their own direct uptake rates per species, and/or is there a direct uptake flow from the detritus concentration Cd possible? I’m looking at Figure 2 in Walters and Christensen (2018) and would like to replicate it in some form in the proposal. Would it be fair to draw an arrow from Cd to direct uptake in Figure 2? Or otherwise create two Co boxes and specify that one is sediment and one is water?

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by jeroens

VillyC: We had exactly the same question when working on the Fukushima paper, where we only had one environmental concentration = water, and the main Cs concentration was in sediments. Carl talked about changing Ecotracer, where we currently keep the environmental concentration in array element 0, so having two concentrations will call for some changes to the structure, but it shouldn’t be a major overhaul.

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