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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#153 fixed Cannot create new scenarios in Ecosim administrator carieh

If I remember correctly this used to work. I have tried this in version 16 and in Jeroen's Zippie program. I get different results but neither work.

In version 16: When working on my model Antarctic working model.mdb I tried to create another scenario to re-load time series (just for fun). I created scenario Aug 16 attempt 2, and then I went up to the ecosim tab and clicked load scenario, to load the scenario I just created (because it didnt seem to work automatically). I dont think this should be a necessary step, but I am just trying to see if it makes a difference in getting the scenario to run in the biomass output. Instead I get the lovely message from before with the value of 259 is not valid for blue... etc And again I cannot run in the biomass output.

In Jeroen's zippie version: This time I get a big error message while creating aug 16 attempt 3 scenario. (in version 16 I dont get an error message immedietly, but it doesnt work) here I get a big long list of errors- ( in aug 16 notes.doc)

And then I try to load the scenario and I get this error message. I check under the status tab, and it says twice that it failed to load the scenario. So I think this may be the same issue with the new build, but at least I am getting obvious errors instead of it just not running the biomass output. It seems as though I can only use scenarios I have previously created.

So I close the program and re-open, and I load the scenario Aug 16 attempt 2, which loads this time (on the Antarctic model) then I try to run Ecosim and I get this error. I click ignore, but it keeps coming up again and again so I have to close the program to get out of it.

I went to version 15 and played around with some imported models, and I couldn't get the scenarios to even be created. In these 2 versions the scenarios are created, but they are essentially useless.

More notes: So using the Tampa bay model, I try to create a scenario for ecosim, it looks like it works (Aug 16 carie) but then I try to go to biomass output and the lead/create scenario screen pops up without the scenario I just created (Aug 16 Carie). This is working off of Jeroens fix zippie.

I also tried this with a lab 2 import from before- and I get the same problem. I think the scenarios are not getting stored properly, and then they cannot be accessed.

#154 unable to duplicate Ecosim fails to save administrator carieh

Ok this one is kind of my fault, but still crashes the system... If I am in a screen of Ecosim, and I try to load a scenario, I get this error message, and I have to shut down the program. Plus after I shut down the program my word document (still on the screen) flashes for a few seconds. I dont know I just thought it was funny. OS I guess you cannot access a new scenario of ecosim while any of the ecosim tabs are open.

Unable to duplicate on same model that Carie used? Let's keep an eye on this.

#155 fixed Adding or duplicating TS do not show up correctly administrator carieh

When I create a new shape it seems to get saved under the dataset the original was under, it I try to switch data sets, you have to close out the screen and re-open it. Also the graphs do not appear right away, you have to switch back and forth a few times between datasets in order to let the system update on its own

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