Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 2011-03-07 19:09:27

Run Ecopath Console Example

In this example a simple console application is examined that performs the very basic steps needed to work with the Ecopath code: loading a model, running Ecopath, and extracting a value from the Ecopath results. You will require access to the Ecopath source code.

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Visual Studio Express and open the file [EcopathLocation?]\Ecopath6\Sources\EwETutorials\EwEConsoleAppExample\EwEConsoleAppExample.sln.
    Do not worry if you do not see all the files in the image below such as the .suo file; Visual Studio will create all

  2. Run the application by hitting F5 or Debug>Start Debugging in the menu. One should see the following written in the console:
     Group 'Spring phytopla' EE estimated to 0.2006739
     Press a key to exit
  1. To see the code, open the solution explorer via Menu > View > Solution Explorer, and browse to the file EwE7.vb as seen below.
