Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 2010-02-07 15:16:49

7.13 Fishery (Ecopath parameterization)

The Fishery node under Parameterization node in the Navigator window summarizes total catch (Quantity) and Value of each fished group by fleet. Only groups for which landings and/or discards have been entered are shown.


The Quantity form shows total catch for fished groups by fleet, where

Catch = Landings + Discards

where Landings and Discards are entered as Ecopath inputs under the Fishery node under Input data in the Navigator window. The form also displays the trophic level of each fleet and of the fishery in total.


The Value form shows the calculated value for fished groups (i) by fleet (g), where

Valuei,g = Market pricei,g . Landingsi,g

where Market Price and Landings are entered as Ecopath inputs under the Fishery node under Input data in the Navigator window.

The Non-market value of each resource is also shown in a separate column on the Value form (if any non market prices have been defined under the Fishery node under Input data in the Navigator window), where

Non-market valuei,g = Non-market Pricei,g . Biomassi,g