- 12:40 Ticket #1609 (Import TS type 2 cannot have 0 values) closed by
- fixed: Done
- 12:39 Ticket #1596 (Allow copying of layer styles) closed by
- fixed
- 12:37 Ticket #1595 (Allow layer data drag and drop) closed by
- fixed: Done
- 12:28 Ticket #1582 (Cannot enter pedigree values outsude pre-defined classifications) closed by
- wontfix: Not going to do this
- 09:34 Ticket #1609 (Import TS type 2 cannot have 0 values) created by
- When importing TS type 2, the resulting forcing function cannot have 0 …
- 07:15 Ticket #1608 (Ecosim output CSV file name sometimes incomplete) closed by
- fixed: Also may apply to other variables - fixed in generic way
- 07:10 Ticket #1608 (Ecosim output CSV file name sometimes incomplete) created by
- Ecosim CSV files for landings are called "_annual.csv"; 'landings' is …
- 02:50 Ticket #1607 (Fit to TS field errors) closed by
- fixed: Fixed; field use is more robust now
- 02:50 Ticket #1607 (Fit to TS field errors) created by
- Clearing fields like "No of spline points" will cause an error when then …
- 02:34 Ticket #1606 (StWF main window is too large for low-res monitors) closed by
- fixed
- 02:34 Ticket #1606 (StWF main window is too large for low-res monitors) created by
- It is. Let's make it smaller
- 02:33 Ticket #1605 (Cannot stop STWF) closed by
- fixed
- 02:25 Ticket #1605 (Cannot stop STWF) created by
- The Stepwise Fitting routine cannot be interruped
- 04:48 Ticket #1604 (Time series fitting and blocking vulnerabilites) closed by
- fixed: Done, will be included in 6.6 Beta
- 04:48 Ticket #1604 (Time series fitting and blocking vulnerabilites) created by
- Is there a way to import the “vulnerability search” data (ie the block …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.