Ticket #759 (assigned assessed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

Ecoseed: Layout too cramped for lower resolution monitors.

Reported by: shermanl Owned by: jeroens
Priority: NOT SET Milestone: NOT SET
Component: Ecospace Version:
Severity: tweak Keywords:



Layout too small for Ecoseed output: bad for low resolution monitors.
"Ecoseed running properly (spatial optimization) but I cannot display the
outputs on the screen (the screen is too small?) output appear
incompletely on the lower part of the screen"

Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by jeroens

  • Owner set to jeroens
  • Status changed from new to assigned
  • Type changed from NOT SET to assessed
  • Severity changed from feature to tweak

This form has been a pain to work with and could do with a redesign. When?

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by jeroens

  • Milestone changed from Ecopath 6: release 6.1.1 to Ecopath 6: release 6.2

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by jeroens

  • Milestone changed from Ecopath 6: release 6.2 to NOT SET

Made minor changes. To accommodate screens better the form needs to be split in separate input and output forms. This is a major overhaul which is not scheduled yet; we need funding.

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