Ticket #217 (closed: repoened)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

Two missing options on Biomass form - Fleet dynamics and Network analysis

Reported by: robynf Owned by: administrator
Priority: normal Milestone: Ecopath 6: build 6.0.7
Component: Ecosim Version:
Severity: major Keywords:


Need buttons/checkboxes to invoke:

  1. Fleet/Effort? dynamics module
  2. Network analysis in Ecosim (see additional information below)

This is what used to happen when NA was implemented in Ecosim:

Some network analysis indices have been extended into Ecosim.
To obtain these indices and their changes over time from Ecosim, the Indices checkbox should be checked on the Ecosim Biomass form. If Network Analysis has not been invoked prior to Ecosim, a message stating Trophic levels not read, do Network Analysis will be given. It is not necessary to wait for all the cycles to be calculated (which might take 24 hours), but you can press cancel to obtain the Network Analysis indices given in Ecosim.

When the Indices checkbox is checked and Ecosim is run the FIB, Kemptons Q etc. indices will be shown in Ecosim, and a file named network.csv will be saved in the same directory as the Ecopath database. This file should be renamed if you want rerun the network analysis indices, as it will also save results to the same file.

The file will give the throughput (Trput), development capacity (Capacity), Ascendency on import (Asc import), flow (Asc flow), export (Asc exp) and respiration (Asc resp), Overhead on import (Ovh import), flow (Ovh flow), export (Ovh exp) and respiration (Ovh resp), predatory cycling index (PCI) and Finn cycling index (FCI) for each monthly time step of the simulation.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by joeb

This is now implemented in the Network Analysis Plugin
Under Parameterization / Tools / EwE Network Analysis Plugin
Ecosim network analysis indicies

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by carieh

Ok 2 issues with this fix:

  1. when you run the Ecosim NA without running/opening Ecosim first, you get an error message that you need to run ecosim first (fine), but the box looks like a critical error message (big red X in the corner). Should there the ability to load a scenario from this point instead of getting a critical message?
  1. The button for fleet/ effort dynamics is still missing in Run ecosim as of version

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by joeb

Hi Carie

  1. It is not possible to load an Ecosim scenario from the NA plugin. The user will have to do that from the main interface. Can you check and see if that works. For example: open the NA without a scenario loaded then load a scenario without closing the NA form, if possible, then run the NA.
  1. The Fleet/effort button is on the Ecosim parameters form. However the interface was not updating which I have fixed for the next build.
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