Ticket #1555 (new assessed)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

Advection direction is not obvious

Reported by: jeroens Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Ecopath 6: Release 6.6
Component: Ecospace Version: 6.6 beta
Severity: major Keywords:


EwE needs to provide explicit clarity, and import data control, stating how the x and y velocity are used in the model. Underneath, the directions are

Horz: -1 = W, 1 = E
Vert: -1 = N, 1 = S

This is not intuitive, and most likely not standard

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by jeroens

  • Milestone Ecopath 6: release 6.6 BETA deleted

Milestone Ecopath 6: release 6.6 BETA deleted

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by jeroens

  • Priority changed from NOT SET to normal
  • Type changed from not assessed to assessed
  • Component changed from NOT SET to Ecospace
  • Severity changed from NOT SET to major
  • Milestone set to Ecopath 6: Release 6.6

As a solution, Ecospace should use H and V direction multipliers for Advection data, which are either -1 or 1, that can be set from the UI, and that are stored with the model. This warrants a database update that needs careful handling of existing models. Perhaps the data can be entered as two boolean flags that get translated to -1 or 1 during application? Will discuss w Joe

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by jeroens

This also applies to wind velocities

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