Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#458 not fixable System font incompatibilities may crash EwE6 jeroens chingv

On a French machine EwE6 refused to show grids. The application threw an error that the font 'Times New Roman' did not support the 'Underline' style. A similar problem was encountered for the 'Arial' font, not supporting the 'Regular' style.

#641 not fixable Ecopath_Other production Changes automated test failed carieh

Test complete cannot open the model on this one. It fails from the start, not sure why

#779 not fixable Network Analysis pyramids do not launch - again jeroens jeroens

Pyramids still fail to launch sometimes. It seems that this occurs on some Windows 7 or XP (but not all) systems that do not use the decimal points for formatting numbers.

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