Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#113 not fixable Editing Stanza age- numbers set backwards jeroens carieh

Editing- basic input- stanza age. If I type in single digits every thing works fine, but I try to type in the number 36, and it comes out 63. I think the default spacing is a bit off, once I type the 3 instead of the cursor moving to the right, it remains at the left, so you get inverted numbers

#238 not fixable Status bar-cannot read last line automatically administrator carieh

When trying to read messages in the status bar, I have to re-size everytime so that I can read the last line. I am not sure if this is only my computer, but if I pin the bar open, and then increase the size a little, I can then read the last line, but I have to do this everytime.

#285 not fixable Basemap - ecospace basemap draws on bordering cells jeroens shermanl

When you draw, sometimes it draws on the neighboring cells. This is not always reproducible, but sometimes it does it.

Jeroen speculated it's his solution to avoid dithering where he draws on the neighboring cells.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.