Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#150 repoened reading 0s in time series instead of missing values administrator carieh

So for the time-series data, I think one big difference is that version 6 assumes the value to be 0 if you have left it out (in the .csv file). I dont think version 5 does this. So with version 6 I have these big spikes and valleys, and in version 5 I just have a few scattered dots. The biomass is not going to 0 in these years, there is just a missing value for this year (i.e. I dont have data for every year. I am not sure if this is the best way to represent this, as the general trends are quite different in these 2 scenarios. This is from the Antarctic model. I have screen shots that show the difference in the two versions, but I think it is very important that missing values do NOT get changed into 0's. Images are in Aug 16 notes.

Time series will be displayed as scatter graphs after version

#151 fixed time series- options- cannot change options in graphs administrator carieh

If I try to play around with things (as I often do) I clicked on the shape of the time series, and shape function as: and then clicked linear. the model didn't crash, but there is something unstable about this. I could not get it back to the original shape with the green lines. I was left with a big red X in the interface. So basically once you click that option you cant get out.

#152 fixed Deleting groups from time series tab- jumps to another interface administrator carieh

Once I have some data in the file (which was attached to a scenario when I loaded it) I am deleting individual groups time series- just for fun  When I delete a time series, the screen automatically jumps to the start screen. I cannot click and get into the time series tab right away, I have to go into another screen and then I can get back into the time series screen. Weird. Oh wait- I can get directly from the start screen if I click the tab on the top, but not if I click the tree on the right- if I click the tree, I have to open another screen before the time series one.

I have tracked this down to Weifen Luo's dock panel, where this deletion somehow results in a WM_KILLFOCUS message to loose the active panel. It is NOT related to the messagebox that asks for delete confirmation. I'm at a loss at this moment what is causing this issue, but its severity does not warrant more time spent on it at this moment.

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