Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1409 fixed Also save taxonomy data when saving an Ecopath model from Ecosim jeroens martac

Taxonomy information is not carried over when saving an Ecopath model from an Ecosim time step. Please make sure that it does; re-entering this information is a lot of work!

#1053 duplicate Alterations to pedigree causes error jeroens cathyb

Changes to pedigree tables don't always work. Trying to delete categories usually ends up with an unhandled exception error. Sorting a list results in unhandled exception error. Importing csv files doesn't work either.

#658 fixed Altering Ecopath Diet Composition does not change the model. cathyb

It seems that if you alter data in the diet comp the changes are not used in following computations although the data seems to be in the sheet. It won’t use the new data until you actually close the model down and restart. I don’t think it would use it even if you did a Save model without closing the program but I really can’t be sure about that. This was causing me some serious grief when I wanted to just tweak my model and nothing would change in the runs. Took me a while to work out what was wrong.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.