Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1029 fixed Ecosim Forcing Function do not save data past 100 years joeb

Set the Ecosim run length to greater than 100 years.

Sketch in Forcing Function data from 100 to your new run length.

Save, Close and Re-open the model. If the Ecosim run length was greater than 100 years when you saved the Forcing Function data will be preserved. If the Ecosim run length was less than 100 year when you saved the Forcing Function data greater than 100 years will be lost.

#1031 fixed Mediation and Price Elasticity shape clip X axis to number of Ecosim year joeb

The X axis on Mediation and Price Elasticity sketch pad re-sizes with the Ecosim years these shapes should always plot all the points.

Forcing function should re-size with the number of ecosim years.

#1032 unable to duplicate Mediation shape no longer seem to show the Ecopath baseline joeb

The mediation shapes are missing the Ecopath biomass base line

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.