Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#54 fixed All form resources need to have the designer property 'Localizable' set to True administrator jeroens
  • Open a form in design mode
  • Select the form itself
  • In the properties pane, navigate to Design > Localizable
  • Set the value to True. By default, this entry is False

This will allow forms to be translated into different languages with minimal effort.

#676 fixed Allow MPAs to overlap martac

It looks like that MPAs are not able to coexist if they spatially overlap, even if they are apply to different fleets. So if I want to have more than one MPA, to apply them to different fleets, but that they overlap in space, they delete each other...which is not very handy, because then you have to redo them all the time...

This happened in 5 as far as I know and does in 6 as well

#1596 fixed Allow copying of layer styles jeroens

When configuring layers it would be very handy if I could 1) copy a layer style from another layer, and 2) reuse layer styles from other scenarios

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.