Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#155 fixed Adding or duplicating TS do not show up correctly administrator carieh

When I create a new shape it seems to get saved under the dataset the original was under, it I try to switch data sets, you have to close out the screen and re-open it. Also the graphs do not appear right away, you have to switch back and forth a few times between datasets in order to let the system update on its own

#73 fixed Adjusting time step of Ecosim administrator carieh

From bug # 74 , I tried to re-scale the time (years) that Ecosim runs for so that I could see if this trend was happening for all models, but when I re-set the time to 5 years, it ran the model for 5 years, but did not re-scale the axis (I found a new bug). so I have a large blank space on the output biomass screen. The model appears to be running correctly, but I believe the axis shoud re-scale itself. Maybe this is due to forcing fxns or time series data built into the scenario? I am not sure because I cannot test a blank scenario- I am using the tampa Bay model

#1554 not an issue Advection arrows do not draw sometimes jeroens jeroens

Advection maps do not show arrows if there is no horizontal velocity. This is a silly math bug in the arrow renderer

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