Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#353 fixed When loading a scenario administrator shermanl

Currently, if there are no scenarios, it will default to the Load scenario tab. This doesn't quite make sense coz you can't load nothing. So have to manually click create to create something.

This may be intentional where users will start thinking, oh no, how do I load scenarios. But I think defaulting to Create when empty will be handy for users.

Creature feep! Creature feep! But a good one....

#437 fixed When P/B and Q/B are entered P/Q should be blocked administrator villyc

on input form p/q should be blocked when both p/b and q/b are entered. I had both entered and then entered p/q and then it blocked all three variables

#1086 fixed Website subscriptions do not work sunk jeroens
Description offers digest subscriptions per email, which are key if we want consortium users to assist in monitoring the forums. However, the email subscriptions are not arriving

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