Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#891 Loading Ecosim may affect groups with imported detritus diets in Ecopath joeb assessed urgent major
#978 Edit multi-stanza creates hundreds of emtpy stanza configurations jeroens assessed high major
#986 Taxonomy data does not entirely reload in certain circumstances jeroens assessed high major
#994 Cannot Delete Groups in Ecopath 6.2 beta assessed high crash
#845 DietComp mistakenly shows cannibalism cells for PP groups jeroens assessed normal minor
#864 Add 'other mortality' input jeroens not assessed normal tweak
#865 Add units to Ecopath forms jeroens assessed normal tweak
#866 Add 2 fishery output forms to Ecopath jeroens assessed normal feature
#867 PSD Not working at all? jeroens assessed normal minor
#870 Flow diagram differences between EwE5 and EwE6 jeroens assessed normal minor
#947 Switching to Basic Input jeroens assessed normal tweak
#966 Detritus flags are incorrectly cleared jeroens assessed normal minor
#890 base case in Ecosim brianl assessed low NOT SET
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.