Custom Query (9 matches)
Status: closed (7 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Version | Severity |
#940 | Add interface to MC to set initial value + bounds on V per predator | joeb | assessed | normal | 6.6 beta | tweak |
#1078 | Add variation of diet to Monte Carlo | joeb | assessed | normal | 6.5 beta | feature |
#1240 | EwE 6.3.8648.0 does not save the applied best fits from Monte Carlo Simulation | jeroens | assessed | normal | 6.3.0 | major |
#1248 | Show only better runs on MC plot | jeroens | assessed | normal | 6.3.1 | tweak |
#1249 | Retain biomasses option does not work | jeroens | assessed | normal | 6.3.1 | minor |
#1250 | Add option to include Stock Reduction Analysis | joeb | assessed | normal | 6.3.1 | feature |
#1056 | Monte Carlo does not reset to changes in Vulnerability | joeb | assessed | low | 6.3.1 | minor |
Status: new (2 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Version | Severity |
#1533 | Monte Carlo BA preturbation does not perturb BA rate | joeb | assessed | normal | 6.5 | NOT SET |
#1307 | possible Monte Carlo bug | joeb | NOT SET | NOT SET | 6.4 | NOT SET |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.