Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of WikiStart

2010-01-21 11:34:22 (15 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v40 v41  
    1414EwE version 6 is under ongoing development. This section provides you access to the status of this development: 
    16  * [UsersGuide EwE6 user manual] - The EwE6 user manual, in Wiki format. 
    17  * [BugReporting Error reporting] - Let us know about errors that you encouter, and track the solution of known errors in EwE6. 
    18  * [TipsAndTricks Tips and tricks] - Tips and Tricks on the usage of EwE6. 
     16 * [wiki:UsersGuide EwE6 user manual] - The EwE6 user manual, in Wiki format. 
     17 * [wiki:BugReporting Error reporting] - Let us know about errors that you encouter, and track the solution of known errors in EwE6. 
     18 * [wiki:TipsAndTricks Tips and tricks] - Tips and Tricks on the usage of EwE6. 
    20  * [KnownMissingFeatures Missing Features] - An overview of features that are not yet implemented in EwE6. 
    21  * [ToDoList To do] - An overview of planned developments in EwE6. 
     20 * [wiki:KnownMissingFeatures Missing Features] - An overview of features that are not yet implemented in EwE6. 
     21 * [wiki:ToDoList To do] - An overview of planned developments in EwE6. 
    2222 * [ Change log] - An overview of changes and bug fixes of each major EwE6 release. 
    2525== Beta test program == 
    26 The Ecopath development team would like you to participate in the [BecomeAnEweBetaTester beta testing program]. In brief cycles, two to three times per year, you will be asked to work closely with the development team on the latest version of the software to prepare EwE6 for a next release. 
     26The Ecopath development team would like you to participate in the [wiki:BecomeAnEweBetaTester beta testing program]. In brief cycles, two to three times per year, you will be asked to work closely with the development team on the latest version of the software to prepare EwE6 for a next release. 
    2929== Building onto the EwE6 engine == 
    30 The EwE6 source code is freely available [ upon request]. This section aims to provide you with resources that would help you develop your own code using the EwE6 engine: 
     30The EwE6 source code is freely available [ to EwE sources upon request]. This section aims to provide you with resources that would help you develop your own code using the EwE6 engine: 
    32  * [BasicTutorials Basic tutorials] - Basic EwE6 programming tutorials. 
    33  * [EcopathOnlineTutorials Ecopath Online tutorials] - Tutorials on using EwE6 web services across the Internet. 
     32 * [wiki:BasicTutorials Basic tutorials] - Basic EwE6 programming tutorials. 
     33 * [wiki:EcopathOnlineTutorials Ecopath Online tutorials] - Tutorials on using EwE6 web services across the Internet. 
    3434 * [MiscellaneousTutorials] - Miscellaneous tutorials 
    35  * [CodeDocumentation Code documentation] - EwE6 Application Programming Interface (API) documentation. 
     35 * [wiki:CodeDocumentation Code documentation] - EwE6 Application Programming Interface (API) documentation. 
    3737The EwE6 source code is compiled daily around UTC/GMT 11am (2am in Vancouver, Canada) If you experience problems compiling your own version, please check the following link: 
    39  * [ScientficInterfaceKnownCompileErrorsFaq Daily EwE6 build results] 
     39 * [wiki:ScientficInterfaceKnownCompileErrorsFaq Daily EwE6 build results] 
    4342Complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.