Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of RunningEcopathSolution

2011-11-26 16:39:00 (12 years ago)



  • RunningEcopathSolution

    v1 v2  
    11= Running Ecopath 6 Solution =  
    2 This tutorial will help you run the Ecopath 6 solution. 
     2In order to load the EwE56 sources into Visual Studio or Visual Basic express, please follow these instructions: 
    4  1. Open the file [Ecopath_dev]\Ecopath6\Sources\EwE6.sln where [Ecopath_dev] is where you downloaded your sources.  ''Note: if you are running Visual Basic Express, you will get a message saying folders are not compatible; ignore this message.''  
    5  2. In the Solution Explorer (by default on the right), browse to the Project ''Scientific Interface''.   
    6  3. Right click on ''Scientific Interface''>''Set as Startup Project''.  This will tell the compiler you want to run this application. 
    7  4. Hit F5 to run the application.   
     4 1. If you have not done so, [wiki:HowToInstallVisualBasicExpress install a development environment such as Visual Studio or Visual Basic Express]. 
     5 2. If you have not done so, [wiki:DownloadingTheSourceFromSvn please obtain the EwE6 sources from SVN]. 
     6 3. Start Visual Studio or Visual Basic Express. 
     7 4. Open the file [Ecopath_dev]\Ecopath6\Sources\EwE6.sln where [Ecopath_dev] is where you downloaded the sources from SVN. ''Note: if you are using Visual Basic Express, you will get a message saying that solution folders are not compatible; ignore this message.''  
     9Your development environment will now load the EwE sources. 
     11If you are loading the sources into your development environment for the first time, you will need to make two adjustments to make sure that the sources compile and run well: 
     12 1. In the Solution Explorer panel (by default shown on the right side in the development environment), browse to the Project ''Scientific Interface''. 
     13 2. Right click on ''Scientific Interface''>''Set as Startup Project''. This will tell the compiler that the EwE application starts by launching the Scientific Interface project. 
     14 3. In the main menu, browse to Build > Configuration Manager and change the Active Solution Platform from 'Any CPU' to 'x86'. This is unfortunately necessary to make EwE6 find the Microsoft Access database drivers on your system. 
     16Now you are ready to compile and run the EwE sources: 
     17 1. Hit F5 to compile and run the application.