Management Strategy Evaluator = User notes (beta ver.
- Input uncertainty Sets inputs use for the perturbation of variables
- Groups
- CV Coefficient of variation used for perturbation of biomass
- Kalman weight Kalman weight used for perturbation of biomass
- Fleets
- CV Coefficient of variation used for perturbation of effort
- Annual increase in catchability Amount catchability will increase each year
- Input reference levels Sets reference levels for performance evaluation and target fishing mortalities
- MSY Uses the results a Maximum Sustainable Yield search to set Biomass limit, Biomass base and F max. for the target fishing mortalities
- Group Evaluation of model runs has not been implemented yet so setting of reference levels has no effect
- Biomass lower Lower biomass limit
- Biomass upper Upper biomass limit
- Catch lower Lower catch limit on a group
- Catch upper Upper catch limit on a group
- Fleet
- Lower Lower catch limit by a fleet
- Upper Upper catch limit by a fleet
- Input regulatory Sets inputs used for the fisheries regulations
- Regulatory option Sets how the effort of a fleet will be regulated
- Max effort Not implemented at this time. Caps the effort of a fleet no matter what regulatory option has been chosen
- Not used No regulation will be used for this fleet
- Effort Warning has not been tested or validated. Effort is regulated by computing target fishing mortality using Biomass limit, Biomass base and F max. from estimated biomass. If target fishing mortality exceeds achieved fishing mortality fishing effort is scaled back.
- Weakest Stock quota Quota for the year is computed from Biomass limit, Biomass base and F Max using estimated biomass. Effort is regulated if any catch (landings + discards) on a group exceeds its quota.
- Strongest stock + discards quota Quota for the year is computed from Biomass limit, Biomass base and F Max using estimated biomass. Effort is regulated if landings on the strongest stock exceed the quota. Bycatch on other stocks is discarded.
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