Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of ManagementProcedures

2012-10-03 16:28:45 (12 years ago)



  • ManagementProcedures

    v42 v43  
     1= Management Strategy Evaluation = ''User notes (alpha ver. 6.3)'' 
     7===== ''MSE Options form.'' ===== 
     8== Control Options: == 
     9The MSE module can be used to evaluate a set of regulatory rules i.e. Target fishing mortality, Fixed F, Escapement or TAC via input (fishing effort) or output (quota, fishing mortality) controls or evaluate the currently loaded Ecosim scenario. 
     11====  * Use regulatory controls: evaluate the regulatory rules. 
     13  ==== 
     15 * '''Use input effort controls (linear programming solution):''' uses a linear programing algorithm to find a fishing effort that meets the fishing mortality constraints and is optimised for the total value of the catch. When this control option is selected you can set the upper and lower fishing effort bounds for each fleet. 
     16 * '''Use output (quota) controls:''' fishing effort is set at the level required to meet fishing mortality or quota set via the regulatory rules i.e. Target fishing mortality, Fixed F, Escapement or TAC. When this option is selected you can set the maximum fishing effort and quota control implementation methods 
     18  Max. fishing effort. 
     20 * '''Cap effort at:''' caps the effort needed to achieve the fishing mortality or quota. 
     21 * '''Cap effort at Ecosim level:''' fishing effort can never exceed level set by current Ecosim scenario 
     22 * '''Predict effort: '''effort is predicted by the Ecosim Fleet/effort dynamics model then cap so as not to exceed the regulatory rules. 
     24  Quota implementation methods. 
     26 * '''No quota:''' no regulation will be used for this fleet. 
     27 * '''Weakest stock quota + discards quota:''' effort is regulated if any catch (landings + discards) on a group exceeds its quota. 
     28 * '''Highest value stock quota:''' effort is regulated if landings on the highest value stock exceed the quota. Catches that exceed the quota on a stock are discarded. 
     29 * '''Selective fishing quota:''' Effort is regulated if landings on the strongest stock exceed the quota. 
     31====  * No regulatory controls (evaluate the current Ecosim scenario): 
     33  ==== 
     35  Ecosim is run using effort from the current scenario. No attempt is made to regulate the fishing effort. This option is used to evaluate the current Ecosim scenario. 
     37 * '''Catch/estimated biomass:''' Fishing mortality is estimated using a perturbed biomass then effort is updated using the varied fishing mortality. 
     38 * '''Direct exploitation:''' Fishing mortality is computed directly from the predicted Ecosim catch 
     39 * '''Exact biomass known:''' Fishing mortality is computed directly from the predicted Ecosim catch and biomass. Effort is then update with the predicted fishing mortalities and perturbed before use. 
     41= Previous documentation = 
    142= Management Strategy Evaluator = ''User notes (alpha ver.'' 
    3 == How to run the MSE == 
     44How to run the MSE 
    446==== Set Quotas ==== 
    547  The MSE is capable of setting quotas by two methods. 
    80122 * Output values do not appear to vary across runs. 
    81123   * Check the Assessment CV values. If they are all zero then there will be no variation in the output. 
    82    * If you have selected 'Ecosim effort use regulatory options' for the MSE run the variation of inputs will only come into effect if the quota is exceeded.   
     124   * If you have selected 'Ecosim effort use regulatory options' for the MSE run the variation of inputs will only come into effect if the quota is exceeded. 
    83125 * Quotas never seems to come into effect.