Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of ManagementProcedures

2010-03-18 09:09:53 (15 years ago)



  • ManagementProcedures

    v33 v34  
    33== How to run the MSE == 
    44==== Set Quotas ==== 
    5   The MSE is capable of setting quotas by two methods. Target fishing mortality rates and Fixed escapement. Target fishing mortalities are set via the '''Input regulatory '''> '''Target fishing mortality''' dialogue then setting biomass limit, biomass base and F max. values for individual groups. Fixed escapement values are set via the '''Input regulatory '''> '''Fixed escapement''' dialogue. If fixed escapement is provided the yearly quotas will be calculated as the biomass greater than the fixed escapement. Otherwise quotas will be calculated from the target fishing mortality rates. 
     5  The MSE is capable of setting quotas by two methods.  
     6   1. Target fishing mortality rates. Target fishing mortalities are set via the '''Input regulatory '''> '''Target fishing mortality''' dialogue then setting biomass limit, biomass base and F max. values for individual groups.  
     7 1. Fixed escapement. Fixed escapement values are set via the '''Input regulatory '''> '''Fixed escapement''' dialogue.  
     9If fixed escapement is provided then the yearly quotas will be calculated as the biomass greater than the fixed escapement. Otherwise quotas will be calculated from the target fishing mortality rates. 
    711==== Set regulatory option ==== 
    1014 1. Not Used. No quota regulation will be imposed on this fleet. 
    1115 1. Weakest stock + discards quota. If catch on any group exceeds its quota then effort will be limited at that level. 
    12  1. Strongest stock. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort will be limited. Catch in excess of quota is discarded and will have a discard mortality set via  '''Input data''' > '''Fishery '''> '''Discard mortality rate'''. 
     16 1. Strongest stock. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort will be limited. Catch in excess of the quota is discarded and will have a discard mortality set via  '''Input data''' > '''Fishery '''> '''Discard mortality rate'''. 
    1317 1. Selective fishing quota. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort is limited. Catch in excess of quota will not be included in the fishing mortality and will be assumed to have a 100% discard survival rate. 