Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of ManagementProcedures

2010-03-12 16:07:07 (15 years ago)



  • ManagementProcedures

    v25 v26  
    1111  How quotas are implemented is set via the '''Input regulatory''' > '''Regulatory options''' dialogue. Four options are provided 
    13   Not Used. No quota regulation will be imposed on this fleet.  
    14   Weakest stock + discards quota. If catch on any group exceeds its quota then effort will be capped at that level.  Strongest stock + discards quota. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort is capped and the excess catch will be discarded. 
     13  Not Used. No quota regulation will be imposed on this fleet.  Weakest stock + discards quota. If catch on any group exceeds its quota then effort will be capped at that level.  Strongest stock + discards quota. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort is capped and the excess catch will be discarded. 
    1514    Selective fishing quota. 
    6463   * '''Model run options''' 
    6564     * '''Save output''' Saves output for biomass, catch by group, catch by fleet and effort by fleet to a csv file in a sub directory of the current EwE6.exe called MSE. 
    66    * '''Ecosim scenario options''' Option on how perturbations are implemented when the '''No regulations evaluate current Ecosim scenario''' option is in effect. 
     65   * '''Ecosim scenario options''' Option on how perturbations are implemented when the '''Ecosim effort no regulations(evaluates current scenario)'''option is in effect. 
    6766     * '''Catch/estimated biomass''' Fishing mortality is estimated using a perturbed biomass then effort is updated using the varied fishing mortality. 
    6867     * '''Direct exploitation''' Fishing mortality is computed directly from the predicted Ecosim catch and biomass then perturbed and used to update effort.