25 | | [[Image(wiki:MSEBatch:interface.png)]] ''MSE Batch interface.'' [[BR]] The MSE Batch interface provides an interface to select a command file and begin a batch run. Select the command file using the 'Select command file..." button. Once a file has been selected it will be parsed to see if it can be run with the currently loaded EwE model and Ecosim scenario. If any errors are found in the file then an ERROR: message will shown in the output window. All errors must be fixed before the command file can run. In the case of a WARNING: message you should address the issues that caused the warning before trying to run the command file, however the command file can still be run when there are WARNING: messages. [[BR]] |
26 | | Once the Run has been started, by clicking the "Run" button, the output window will contain progress messages with the number of run completed out of the total. |
27 | | A run can be stopped by clicking the "Stop run" button. The batch process will wait for the current MSE run to complete before exiting. |
| 25 | [[Image(wiki:MSEBatch:interface.png)]][[BR]]''MSE Batch plugin interface.[[BR]][[BR]]'' |
| 26 | The MSE Batch plugin interface provides an interface to select a command file and begin a batch run. Select the command file using the 'Select command file..." button. Once a file has been selected it will be parsed to see if it can be run with the currently loaded EwE model and Ecosim scenario. If any errors are found in the file then an ERROR: message will shown in the output window. All errors must be fixed before the command file can run. In the case of a WARNING: message you should address the issues that caused the warning before trying to run the command file, however the command file can still be run when there are WARNING: messages. [[BR]] Once the Run has been started, by clicking the "Run" button, the output window will contain progress messages with the number of run completed out of the total. A run can be stopped by clicking the "Stop run" button. The batch process will wait for the current MSE run to complete before exiting. |