Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of MSEBatch

2010-09-22 10:50:31 (14 years ago)



  • MSEBatch

    v47 v48  
    139139 * Control types from the MSE interface. See "Tools>Management procedures (MSE)>Input>Regulatory>Control type". 
    140140 * '''Control_Type_INDEX''' and '''Control_Type '''tags need to appear in pairs. The Control_Type_INDEX is the index of the EwE fishing feet that the control will be applied to. Control_Type is the type of control that will be applied. 
    141  * '''Control_Type''' Valid inputs, 
    142    * '''0''' No controls will be imposed on the fleet, 
    143    * '''1''' Weakest Stock''' '''controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the greatest limitation, 
    144    * '''2''' Highest Value controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the highest market value, mortality rate of discards is set in "Input data>Fishery>Discard mortality rate", 
     141 * '''Control_Type''' Valid inputs. 
     142   * '''0''' No controls will be imposed on the fleet. 
     143   * '''1''' Weakest Stock''' '''controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the greatest limitation. 
     144   * '''2''' Highest Value controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the highest market value, mortality rate of discards is set in "Input data>Fishery>Discard mortality rate". 
    145145   * '''3''' Selective fishery controls are imposed the same as Highest Value (2) except all the discards are assumed to survive. 
    173173 * '''Constant_Y''' catch of the group in kg/km2/month. The MSE will set the quota on the group base on the Constant_Y value. 
    175 ==== TFM_INDEX and TFM ==== 
     175==== TFM_INDEX &TFM ==== 
     182 * Target fishing mortality in the MSE interface. See "Tools>Management procedures (MSE)>Inputs>Regulatory>Target fishing mortality" 
     183 * '''TFM_INDEX '''and '''TFM '''tags need to appear in pairs. TFM_INDEX is the index of the group that the target fishing mortality harvest rule will apply to. TFM is the parameters of the rule. 
     184 * '''TFM_INDEX '''index of group that the rule will be applied to. This only needs to include groups that are to have there quota set. If a group index is not included then target fishing mortality rate from the current EwE model will be used. 
     185 * '''TFM '''four parameters making up the harvest rule. 
    184  * Target fishing mortality in the MSE interface. See "Tools>Management procedures (MSE)>Inputs>Regulatory>Target fishing mortality" 
     187   1. '''Biomass limit''' is the biomass of the group when the fishing mortality rate is at its minimum value (F Minimum). 
     188   1. '''Biomass base''' is the biomass of the group when the fishing mortality rate is at its maximum value (F Max). 
     189   1. '''F Minimum''' is the fishing mortality rate when the biomass is at or below Biomass limit. This is normally zero. 
     190   1. '''F Max '''is the fishing mortality rate when biomass is greater the Biomass base.